Home/Board of Health/Board Governance/Board of Health Bylaws

Board of Health Bylaws


Article 1: Name

1.1 The name of this board shall be the Southern Nevada District Board of Health, hereinafter referred to as the Board.

Article 2: Authority

2.1 The Board is authorized pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Chapter 439.

2.2 The Board is the governing body of the Southern Nevada Health District, a health department operating under the direction of a District Health Officer and the Board, which has jurisdiction over all public health matters in the incorporated and unincorporated areas of Clark County, Nevada.

Article 3: Purpose and Function

3.1 The purposes and functions of the Board are to:

  1. Protect and promote the public health generally.
  2. Adopt, amend, and enforce reasonable regulations consistent with law in the areas outlined in NRS Chapters 439, 441A, 444, 446, 450B, and all other statutes providing authority to adopt, amend, and enforce regulations consistent with law.
  3. Adopt a schedule of reasonable fees to be collected for providing of public health services, including but not limited to issuing or renewing any health permit or a license required to be obtained from the Board or the Health District pursuant to applicable law, with such permit or license fees being collected for the sole purpose of defraying the cost and expenses of the procedures for issuing licenses and permits, and investigation related thereto, and not for the purposes of general revenue.
  4. Prepare and submit to the Board of County Commissioners an annual operating budget for the Health District as required by law.
  5. Appoint a District Health Officer for the Health District who shall have full authority as a County Health Officer in the incorporated and unincorporated areas of Clark County, Nevada.
  6. Adopt written policies and procedures for administering the Board.
  7. Oversee the Health District’s Public Health Advisory Board.
  8. Approve the District Health Officer’s job description, qualifications and compensation, and oversee any recruitment and selection process.
  9. Exercise all powers, duties, and limitations as now or hereafter provided by law for the creation and conduct of the Board of Health.

Article 4: Composition

4.1 The composition of the Board and the terms of its members is prescribed by law as follows:

  1. Members of the Board serve terms of two years.
    1. Representatives selected by the following entities from among their elected members:
      1. Two representatives of the board of county commissioners;
      2. Two representatives of the governing body of the largest incorporated city in the county; and
      3. One representative of the governing body of each other city in the county
  2. The following representatives, selected by the elected representatives of the Board selected pursuant to paragraph (a), who shall represent the Health District at large and who must be selected based on their qualifications without regard to their residence or their place of employment, as long as they are Clark County residents:
    1. One representative who is a physician licensed to practice medicine in this State;
    2. One representative of a nongaming business or from an industry that is subject to regulation by the Health District; and
    3. One representative of the association of gaming establishments.
  3. A committee of the Board shall review applications for selection as an at-large member, assess qualifications of applicants, and make recommendations to the Board prior to selection of at-large members by the elected representatives of the Board.

4.2 Board officers shall be elected by the Board at the Board’s meeting in July of each year, and shall include a Board Chair, Board Vice-Chair, and Board Secretary.

4.3 The Board Chair shall:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the full Board, and enforce the parliamentary rules and order of business pursuant to the Agenda and Nevada’s open meeting law.
  2. Have the right to offer resolutions and to discuss questions.
  3. Have the power to vote on all matters, except as otherwise prohibited by law.
  4. Call special meetings of the Board whenever there is sufficient business to come before the Board, or upon written request of at least three (3) members of the Board.
  5. Advise the District Health Officer on Agenda preparation for the meetings.
  6. Sign all papers and documents as required by law or as authorized by action of the Board.
  7. Administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses at hearings.
  8. Exercise such other powers as may be delegated by the Board.

4.4 The Board Vice-Chair shall, in the absence of the Board Chair, serve in the capacity and assume the duties of the Board Chair, taking actions appropriate to fulfill said responsibilities.

4.5 The Board Secretary shall:

  1. Call the Board meetings to order in the absence of the Board Chair and Board Vice-Chair, and serve in the capacity of the Board Chair and assume the duties of the Board Chair.
  2. Exercise such other powers that may be delegated by the Board.

4.6 Committees which include non-Board members may be created by Board action and the size and membership determined by the Board.

4.7 The Board will appoint the members of the Board committees. The committee will appoint a committee chair at their first meeting.

4.8 No member of the Board can bind the Board by word or action unless the Board has, in its capacity as governing body, designated such member as its agent for some specific purpose and for that purpose only.

Article 5: Meetings

5.1 The Board shall hold its regular meetings as frequently as determined by the Board, generally on the fourth Thursday of the month unless such interferes with holidays or circumstances which justify the setting otherwise.

5.2 Members of the Board may participate in a meeting by means of a remote technology system of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other. Participation in a meeting pursuant to this method shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.

5.3 The Agenda for Board meetings shall be prepared by the District Health Officer. The order of business as specified on the Agenda for Board meetings may be changed at the discretion of the Board Chair, and shall generally be as follows:

  • Call to order and Roll Call
  • Pledge of allegiance
  • Recognitions
  • First Public Comment
  • Adoption of the Agenda
  • Consent Agenda
  • Public Hearing/Action
  • Report/Discussion/Action
  • Board Reports
  • Health Officer and Staff Reports
  • Informational items
  • Second Public Comment
  • Closed Session, if applicable
  • Adjournment

5.4 As prescribed by law, a majority of the members of the Board constitutes a quorum.

5.5 Motions on action items shall require a second.

5.6 Any action of the Board shall require majority vote of the members in attendance and eligible to vote, except when adopting regulations or amending these Bylaws whereby an affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the Board is required.

5.7 A roll call vote of record of the Board shall be had upon request of any Board member.

5.8 Special meetings may be held upon notice to each member of the Board as often and in such places within the Clark County as the needs of the Board require.

5.9 Meetings will generally follow parliamentary procedure as contained in Robert’s Rules of Order insofar as they do not conflict with the Nevada Revised Statutes and these Bylaws.

5.10 In all cases, public notice of meetings shall be provided at a time and in a manner consistent with the requirements of the then current Nevada Open Meeting Law, NRS Chapter 241.

Article 6: Staffing

6.1 Staff to the Board shall be provided by the Southern Nevada Health District for purposes of secretarial, research, and other needs.

6.2 The District Health Officer shall act as Executive Secretary to the Board.

Article 7: Amendments

7.1 These Bylaws may be amended by affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the Board.

Article 8: Effective Date

8.1 These Bylaws shall become effective and binding upon the Board of Health immediately upon their adoption.

Adopted by the Southern Nevada District Board of Health February 23, 2006.

  • Amended March 23, 2006
  • Amended September 22, 2011
  • Amended June 25, 2015
  • Amended August 26, 2021
  • Amended April 25, 2023
  • Amended April 25, 2024


Updated on:  May 15, 2024

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