Immunization Clinic
PLEASE CALL 702-759-0850
Schedule Your Immunization Appointment
If you have a commercial insurance that is an HMO (as noted on your insurance card), please bring a provider referral or prescription to your upcoming SNHD vaccine appointment. If you do not have a referral or prescription, you may be asked to reschedule.
Si tiene un seguro comercial que es una HMO (como se indica en su tarjeta de seguro), traiga una referencia o receta de un proveedor a su próxima cita de vacuna a SNHD. Si no tiene una referencia o receta, es posible que su cita puede ser cambiada.
Immunization Services
The Southern Nevada Health District is dedicated to ensuring that infants, children and adults are immunized against vaccine preventable diseases.
The following services are available:
- Routine immunizations for age-appropriate vaccines
- Immunizations for travelers
- Seasonal flu vaccine
- Pneumococcal vaccines (65 years and older)
- Immunizations for college students
- Immunization Child Care Program
- Immigration immunizations
Immunization Schedules —
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for updated immunization schedules.
Immunization Records
For vaccinations received in Nevada —
The Nevada WebIZ Public Access Portal allows parents and legal guardians to print official immunization records for their children through age 17. It also allows adult individuals 18 and older to print official immunization records for themselves. To download immunization records, visit the Nevada WebIZ Public Access Portal or call 1-775-684-5954. If you are unable to access records from the portal, you can submit a completed Authorization to Disclose Patient Health information form in English or Spanish.
For vaccinations received outside of Nevada —
If you have lived in a state with an immunization information system, you may try to contact that system where you or your child received their last shots to see if they have your records. A link to available state systems is provided on the Centers for Disease and Prevention and Control’s (CDC) website:
Immunization Exemptions
Students and children with appropriate medical conditions may receive temporary or permanent medical exemptions if authorized by their physicians. Medical immunization exemption forms must be submitted to the school, child care facility, or university on a form provided by the Division of Public and Behavioral Health.
Students and/or parents who want to exempt their child/student from one or more required immunizations because of their religious beliefs must provide to the school, child care facility, or university a religious immunization exemption form provided by the Division of Public and Behavioral Health.
To protect themselves and others from spreading disease, children with any of these exemptions can be excluded from school during an outbreak of a disease against which they are not fully immunized. In addition to the vaccines for which an exemption is being requested, parents must submit official immunization records to the school or daycare for the vaccines that the child did receive. This will help schools know which students have and haven’t been immunized when a vaccine-preventable disease may be spreading at school.
Updated on: March 11, 2025