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Arbovirus Updates

West Nile Virus – Public Health Updates & News Releases

24May 2024

Early detection of West Nile Virus mosquitoes in Southern Nevada

As the 2024 mosquito surveillance season begins, the Southern Nevada Health District announces the detection of the first West Nile Virus (WNV) positive mosquitoes in Clark County. With these early findings, the Health District urges Clark County residents to join the Fight the Bite campaign to reduce the impact of mosquitoes.

2Sep 2021

Mosquitoes in Clark County test positive for West Nile Virus

Mosquitoes trapped by the Southern Nevada Health District’s Mosquito Surveillance Program in the 89014 ZIP code have tested positive for West Nile virus, the first this season in Clark County. The Health District is reminding people that “yes” there are mosquitoes in Southern Nevada, and to protect themselves from mosquito bites when they are outdoors.

18Jun 2020

Mosquitoes in Clark County test positive for West Nile Virus

Mosquitoes that tested positive as part of the Southern Nevada Health District Mosquito Surveillance Program’s trapping activities mark the first appearance of West Nile virus in Clark County this season. The mosquitoes were trapped in the 89120 ZIP code.

23Aug 2019

Public Health Update – Weekly Arbovirus Report: August 23, 2019

The Southern Nevada Health District Arbovirus report for the week of August 19-23 is available at www.snhd.info/wn-updates. The Southern Nevada Health District is reporting 10 additional West Nile virus cases for a total of 29 cases. The individuals are nine males, six of whom are over the age 50, three under the age of 50; and one female over the age of 50. Seven of the new cases have the more serious neuroinvasive form of the illness.

22Aug 2019

Twenty-eight cases of West Nile virus reported

The Southern Nevada Health District is declaring an outbreak of West Nile virus in Clark County after receiving reports of 28 cases of the disease in humans – the highest case count in a season since the virus was first detected in the state in 2004. In addition to the high number of cases, 17 of the 28 reported cases have had the more serious neuroinvasive form of the illness.

8Aug 2019

Public Health Update – Health District reports 16th Case of West Nile Virus

LAS VEGAS – The Southern Nevada Health District is reporting an additional case of West Nile virus, bring the year’s total to 16. The individual is a male over the age of 50 with the neuroinvasive form of the illness. Of the 16 reported cases, 11 have had the more serious, neuroinvasive form of the illness.

7Aug 2019

Public Health Update – Health District reports 13th, 14th, and 15th Cases of West Nile Virus

The Southern Nevada Health District is reporting three additional cases of West Nile virus, bring the year’s total to 15. One individual is a female under the age of 50 with the non-neuroinvasive form of the illness. The other two individuals are both male, under the age of 50, with the non-neuroinvasive form of the illness. Of the 15 reported cases, 10 had the more serious, neuroinvasive form of the illness.

6Aug 2019

Public Health Update – Health District reports 12th Case of West Nile Virus

LAS VEGAS – The Southern Nevada Health District is reporting Clark County’s 12th case of West Nile virus. The individual is a male over the age of 50 with the neuroinvasive form of the illness. Ten of the 12 cases reported to the Health District have had the more serious, neuroinvasive form of the illness.

1Aug 2019

West Nile virus an ongoing risk in Southern Nevada

The Southern Nevada Health District reports three more Clark County residents have neuroinvasive illness caused by the West Nile virus. All three individuals are male, and over the age of 50. These new cases bring the year’s total to 11. Nine of the 11 cases reported to the Health District had the neuroinvasive form of the illness.

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Contact Information

Phone: (702) 759-1633

Updated on: June 17, 2024

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