Home/Immunization Child Care Program

Immunization Child Care Program

Our Goal

The goal of the Immunization Child Care Program (ICCP) is to protect children from vaccine preventable diseases by increasing the vaccination rates of children 0-6 years of age in Southern Nevada.

ICCP and Environmental Health staff work together by establishing compliance standards and ensuring that child care centers adhere to Nevada state immunization requirements.

The program uses a process to evaluate the immunization records of all children enrolled in a child care center or early education center. Each record is reviewed to confirm that every child meets the meet Nevada state requirements (NRS 432A.230 – 432A.280 and 432.A077).

A report is provided to the director and a 90 percent compliance rate is the goal. (This percentage reflects the necessary vaccination rate to provide adequate protection from vaccine preventable diseases.)

Our Role

  • Review immunization records of each child attending the child care facility and determine if Nevada state requirements are met.
  • Meet with the director to discuss the results of the audit.
  • Provide notification to parents of needed vaccines for each child.
  • Check with the child care center in 5 business days to ensure all children are up-to-date on vaccinations.
  • Recommend exclusion of children who are not vaccinated per state law, or do not have a complete record on file at the child care center.

Contact Information

(702) 759-0850

Updated on:  May 30, 2024

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