Home/Health District Revises Cease and Desist Order Covering Imported Candies

Health District Revises Cease and Desist Order Covering Imported Candies

Following broad order in February, some candies found not to pose a lead-contamination hazard

April 12, 2006

LAS VEGAS – April 12, 2006 – The Southern Nevada Health District has updated its February 2006 “cease and desist” order preventing the display and sale of certain types of imported Mexican candies and seasonings. The initial order broadly limited these candies, due to concerns about potential lead contamination. Subsequent testing has shown that some products covered under the initial order do not pose a lead-contamination hazard.

The February 2006 order remains in effect for the following candy products, with the exception of those specifically outlined in this document:

  • Tamarind Candies in glazed ceramic containers from Mexico
  • Tama Roca Candy (Tamarind with or without chili) with straws from Mexico

The candy products listed below have been approved for display and sale, and are now exempt from the February 2006 order. These products are considered safe to eat:

Lucas World products, including the following brands:

  • Lucas Pelucas tamarind candy (dulce de tamarindo)
  • Baby Lucas sweet’n sour mango powder (polvo sabor mango acidulo)
  • Baby Lucas pikt sweet’n sour orange powder (polvo sabor naranja acidulado)
  • Lucas bomvaso sweet & hot candy with bubble gum (dulce enchilado y chicle bola)
  • Lucas muecas mango lollipop with chili powder (paleta de caramela y chile en polvo)
  • Lucas muecas chamoy lollipop with chili powder (paleta de caramela y chili en polvo)
  • Pulpadip tamarind salsa (salsa de tamarindo)
  • Lucas gusano tamarind liquid candy (dulce de tamarindo)
  • Lucas gusano chamoy liquid candy (dulce de chamoy)
  • Lucas salsagheti + gusano hot watermelon candy straws and tamarind sauce (dulce en tiritas enchiladas sabor sandia y salsa sabor tamarindo)
  • Skwinkles
  • Lucas Panzon watermelon hard candy and chamoy liquid (paleta de caramelo sabor sandia con dulce liquide)

Hershey Lorena products, including the following brands:

  • Picositos fruit seasoning (sazanodar de frutas)
  • Frutas del puesto cucumber, mango, and watermelon lollipops with chili powder (caramelo macizo sabor pepino, mango, y sandia con chile en polvo)
  • Pelon roller tamarind flavored syrup candy (dulce liquido sabor tamarindo)
  • Mini pelon pelo rico artificial tamarind flavored soft candy (dulce sabor a tamarindo)
  • Crayon grape, mango, or strawberry soft candy (pulpa sabor uva, mango, y fresa)
  • Pelon bombu-k artificial tamarind flavor liquid center bubble gum (chicle relleno sabor tamarindo)
  • Mango bombu-k artificial mango flavor liquid center bubble gum (chicle relleno sabor mango enchilada)
  • Pelon bites artificial tamarind flavored chewy candy (pulpa sabor a tamarindo confitado)
  • Pelonazo artificial tamarind flavored soft candy (dulce sabor a tamarindo)
  • Pelon pelo rico artificial tamarind flavored soft candy (dulce sabor a tamarindo)
  • Pelon 2 artificial tamarind pineapple flavored soft candy (pulpa sabor a tamarindo-pina)

The health district reminds parents that trace amounts of lead may be found in the product packaging for many consumer products, including toys, food and other articles. Children should refrain from consuming or chewing the packaging or wrapping material from such products.

For additional information, including English and Spanish fact sheets on lead poisoning, along with pictures of contaminated and potentially-contaminated candies, the public may visit the health district website at www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org.

Visit the Media Contacts webpage for media related inquiries.

The Southern Nevada Health District serves as the local public health authority for Clark County, Boulder City, Henderson, Las Vegas, Mesquite and North Las Vegas. The agency safeguards the public health of the community’s residents and visitors through innovative programs, regulations, and initiatives focused on protecting and promoting their health and well-being. More information about the Health District, its programs, services, and the regulatory oversight it provides is available at www.SNHD.info. Follow the Health District on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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