Home/Aquatic Health Program/Plan Review – Aquatic Facility/Non-Substantial Alteration (Remodel)

Non-Substantial Alteration (Remodel)

Non-substantial plan reviews typically include smaller projects and depend on the scope of work. The following examples require remodel submission:

  • Adding to or altering an existing aquatic venue
  • Altering the equipment or structure of a public bathing, swimming facility or public spa
  • Replacing equipment with equipment that is not functionally identical to the original (results in a change in total dynamic head, different operating characteristics, etc.)
  • Replacing sections of fencing (Note: barrier remodels will require existing facilities to come into compliance with the Aquatic Facility Regulation barrier and enclosure requirements)
  • Refinishing a deck with a different surface
  • Changing interior color or adding a design to the bottom of an aquatic venue
  • Note: beginning October 1, 2022, all automated controller replacements will require a non-substantial alteration application and will include a final remodel inspection.

Application and plans must be submitted to the health district before the start of the remodel work by:

  • A professional engineer registered in the state of Nevada,
  • An architect registered in the state of Nevada, or
  • A licensed contractor who holds a classification A license with an A-10 sub-classification issued by the Nevada State Contractors Board, or who is Nevada registered or licensed to practice their respective design profession as defined by the state of Nevada.

Application Specifics

Aquatic Venue Non-Substantial Alteration Form

If the alteration scope of work includes replacement of the SOFA/drain cover, please submit a completed SOFA worksheet with your application.


  • Failure to provide completed applications and required specifications will result in a delay of the remodel process.
  • Contractors, architects, and engineers must provide a current copy of their license with submission
  • Submit applications via email to aquatic@snhd.org.
  • All fees must be paid upon receipt of invoice.
  • Payment of fees does not constitute approval of plans.
  • Remodel work must not begin until written approval is granted by the Southern Nevada Health District.

Compliance Requirements

While the review of most non-substantial alteration submissions will be limited only to the scope of work listed on the application, some types of alterations may impact other areas of the aquatic venue or equipment and will trigger additional requirements to be compliant with the SNHD Aquatic Facility Regulations. Please note that the scenarios listed below do not cover all possible situations.


  • A properly installed flow meter will be required if the pump is capable of variable speed or variable flow operation
  • System design must include an increase of 23.1 feet of head (10 psi) between clean and dirty filter conditions to ensure that system flow requirements are met under the most extreme operating conditions
  • Maximum flow of the pump at the highest speed cannot exceed the maximum rated flow of the Suction Outlet Fitting Assembly (SOFA)
  • Gauges must be equipped with valves to allow for servicing during pump operation

Note: Pentair Intelliflo VS/VSF/VS+SVRS models to Intelliflo3 models are not identical and require a non-substantial alteration. Variable speed to variable flow (or vice versa) require a substantially similar application submission, or a non-substantial alteration if an inspection is required to determine system compatibility


  • A separate line with a valve must be installed to bypass the filter for the purposes of draining the aquatic venue
  • A sump pit will be required for new DE filter installations. If an existing DE filter is replaced with a DE filter, a separation tank may remain in place

Disinfection System and pH Control

  • All automated controller replacements require a non-substantial alteration application
  • All chemical feeders will need to be automated if the scope of work includes an automated controller
  • An automated controller is required on all primary disinfection system alterations
  • Chemical containers must be located within the equipment room or enclosure


  • Raypak cast iron to bronze header models (C-R406 to B-R406) are not identical and require a non-substantial alteration
  • Issuance of a boiler permit from the State of Nevada Mechanical Compliance Section may be required. The permitholder is responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable codes, regulations, and law.

State of Nevada Mechanical Compliance: http://dir.nv.gov/MCS/Home/

Interior finish 

  • A non-substantial alteration is required if the interior finish material or color is changed from existing. If the SOFA is being replaced during a replaster, an alteration is required regardless of finish material
  • Interior finish remodels require compliance with contrasting tile markings on the horizontal and vertical surfaces of benches and steps.
  • Depth markers must be compliant to the current requirements and listed in feet and inches
  • Specifications may be required for finish materials if slip resistance is unknown


  • Skimmer equalizer SOFAs must meet the manufacturer’s installation requirements, including sump requirements
  • All skimmer replacements require a non-substantial alteration

Note: Skimmer equalizers are not required by SNHD if the skimmer is approved for commercial use without it. Future updates to the SNHD Aquatic Facility Regulations may prohibit the use of equalizers on skimmers

Suction Outlet Fitting Assembly (SOFA)

  • The testing standard for certification of SOFAs has been updated and flow ratings are now dependent on pipe size, plumbing configuration, and sump depth. Plumbing/port configurations and pipe size may need to be modified to meet the installation requirements for the SOFA to be installed
  • Pipe size, port configuration/orientation, sump configuration must be known in advance of selecting a SOFA for installation in order to determine maximum flow rating
  • Flow ratingof the SOFA cannot be exceeded by the pump operating at the highest selectable speed (pump flow potential)
  • All SOFAs have a finite life expectancy established by the manufacturer
  • A SOFA worksheet must be completed and submitted for all SOFA alteration applications

More information at www.snhd.info/sofa

Decks and Coping

  • If the deck is partially or completely demolished and replaced, or if the deck finish material is changed from existing (spray deck to pavers, for example), a non-substantial alteration is required
  • Skimmers are commonly damaged during deck removal. If skimmers are to be replaced, the scope of work must include skimmer replacement
  • Deck alterations may impact handrail/grabrail height, riser height, and coping/overhang thickness if the height of the deck changes
  • Deck depth markers and no diving markings are required on the horizontal surface of the deck. Depth markers must be listed in feet and inches
  • Deck drains must be removable without use of tool
  • Specifications may be required for finish materials if slip resistance is unknown


  • All enclosure alterations require the entire enclosure to meet the 6′ height requirement measured from gradeto the top of the enclosure
  • New or modified sections of an enclosure must be installed over a fixed, permanently installed, solid surface
  • All latching mechanisms, key fobreaders, or keypads must measure at least 42″ above finished grade to the bottom of the mechanism
  • Battery backup must be provided for key fobentry gates in the event of loss of power
  • All gates or doors must be designed so that a tool, key, or code is not required to exit
  • Building doors cannot egress into an aquatic venue enclosure

Contact Information

(702) 759-0572

Fremont Public Health Center
2830 E. Fremont St.
Las Vegas, NV 89104


Updated on: March 24, 2025

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