Home/Table: Agencies of Jurisdiction

Foods Regulated

Interstate domestic and imported food but not meat and poultry


  1. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  2. U.S. Customs Service – imported foods
  3. Nevada State Department of Agriculture (NDA)
  4. Southern Nevada Health District – food produced and/or packaged within Clark County, Nevada
  5. Local agency of jurisdiction – food produced outside Clark County

Methods of Verification

Evidence of regulatory oversight: copy of suppliers’ local enforcement agency permit, state or federal registration or license; copy of last inspection report; grower’s agricultural certificate

Foods Regulated

Domestic and imported meat, poultry and related products (such as stews, pizzas and frozen foods containing meat or poultry)


  1. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
  2. U.S. Customs Service – imported foods
  3. Southern Nevada Health District – food products prepared and/or packaged within Clark County, Nevada

Methods of Verification

USDA mark on meat or poultry products or equivalency; registration of importers with USDA. Evidence of regulatory oversight: copy of suppliers’ local enforcement agency permit, state or federal registration or license; copy of last inspection report.

Foods Regulated

Fish and fish products


  1. FDA
  2. USDA – catfish

Methods of Verification

Evidence of regulatory oversight: copy of suppliers’ local enforcement agency permit, state or federal registration or license, or a copy of the last inspection report; USDC approved list at https://www.noaa.gov/fisheries.

Foods Regulated

Shellfish (bivalve mollusks)


  1. FDA

Methods of Verification

Shellfish tags; current Interstate Certified Shellfish Shippers List at https://www.fda.gov/food/federalstate-food-programs/interstate-certified-shellfish-shippers-list.

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