Home/Is a health card or food safety training the same as Person-In Charge Training?

No. A person-in-charge (PIC) of a food establishment is not only responsible for how he or she handles food, but also is responsible for the actions of food handlers under his or her supervision. The PIC is responsible for assuring the food establishment’s compliance with the regulations.

Food establishments must have a knowledgeable PIC present during all hours of operation. Knowledge can be demonstrated either by the facility being in compliance with the regulations as determined by the facility having no critical or major violations during an inspection, the PIC responding correctly to the inspector’s questions related to the specific food operations of the facility or the PIC being a certified food protection manager.

To be certified, the PIC has studied coursework and taken a proctored examination through a program that is evaluated and listed by a Conference for Food Protection recognized accrediting agency as conforming to the Conference for Food Protection Standards for Accreditation of Food Protection Manager Certification Programs.

The Health District does not offer coursework for manager certification.

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