HIV Prevention Community Planning
In November 1993, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mandated that an HIV community planning process be created.
HIV community planning is an ongoing process whereby state and local HIV prevention and care organizations share responsibilities for developing a comprehensive HIV prevention and care plan with other state and local agencies, non-governmental organizations, and representatives of communities and groups at risk for or affected by HIV.
To meet the CDC requirements the Southern Nevada Health District, in collaboration with members of the community, created the Southern Nevada Regional HIV Community Planning Group (CPG) dedicated to identifying the HIV prevention and care needs in specific communities that are directly or indirectly affected by HIV.
Persons at risk for HIV infection and persons with HIV infection play a key role in identifying prevention and care needs and in planning for prevention and care services that are culturally and linguistically appropriate. The individuals who represent the communities at risk for HIV infection can provide invaluable personal and population specific interventions.
Recruitment for membership to the Southern Nevada Regional HIV Community Planning Group is an open process utilizing criteria outlined in the CDC Community Planning Guidance document. It is designed to be proactive to assure a diverse stratum of community groups are represented, including socio-economically marginalized groups and groups that are under-served by existing HIV prevention and care programs.
Updated on: December 24, 2018