Home/Board of Health/Board Governance/BGP-002: Voting & Attendance Procedures

BGP-002: Voting & Attendance Procedures

  1. Voting Procedures:
    1. With the following exceptions, all members of the Southern Nevada District Board of Health (Board) are eligible to vote on all matters coming before the Board
      1. In accordance with the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) and the Southern Nevada District Board of Health By-laws, with the exception of the selection of at-large members as provided in NRS 439.362(2)(b); and
      2. Advisory board members serve as nonvoting members as provided in NRS 439.362(b)(4).
    2. The elected representatives of the Board shall select three (3) members who shall represent the Health District at-large and who must be selected based on their qualifications without regard to their residence or place of employment, as long as they are Clark County residents.
    3. The Board Chair shall have the same right as any other Board member to initiate a motion, question, or debate, and vote on a motion.
    4. All voting procedures shall be in accordance with parliamentary authority. The Board Chair may call for a roll call vote on any item as he/she deems appropriate and/or necessary.
    5. All Board members shall abide by the requirements of Nevada’s Ethics in Government law (NRS 281A.420). Whenever possible, the Board member with a potential conflict of interest shall disclose the potential conflict prior to casting their vote. Unless abstention is required per NRS 281A.420 or pursuant to advice of Board legal counsel, the disclosing Board member will cast his/her vote.
    6. Board Members shall recognize that a Board member may only vote during an official meeting and that the member has no legal status to bind the Board outside such meetings. A quorum of Board members may not meet, deliberate and vote regarding matters within the Board’s jurisdiction except in open meetings or approved Close Sessions as provided in Open Meeting Law, NRS Chapter 241.
    7. Action may only be taken by a quorum of members of the Board. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. Board action shall be valid only upon a vote of approval by a majority of the quorum unless otherwise required by law.
  1. Board Member Attendance Requirements:
    1. Board members shall make every effort to attend every Board meeting in person.
    2. If an emergency prevents the Board member from attending the Board meeting, he/she may call the Board’s Executive Secretary or his/her Executive Assistant to notify the Board Chair of his/her absence. Board members may call (702) 759-1201 to report a last-minute absence.
    3. Telephonic and video conference participation is permitted when a Board member is unavailable to personally attend a Board meeting.
      1. In order to attend telephonically, the Board member is encouraged to contact the Board’s Executive Secretary no later than 4:30 p.m. the day prior to the scheduled meeting to advise of his/her intent to participate telephonically.
      2. In the event an emergency necessitates remote technology participation on the day of a meeting, the participant must contact the Board’s Executive Secretary as soon as possible so arrangements can be made.
      3. When participating with remote technology, the Board member is expected to actively participate in the discussions, as well as review all pertinent materials to make an informed decision.
      4. When attending with remote technology, the Board member is reminded that background noise is to be avoided as it is disruptive to the meeting and interferes with transcription of the minutes.
  1. Electronic Devices:
    1. Cell phones and other electronic devices shall be silenced or placed in vibration mode during Board meetings.

Adopted: 12/16/2010

Amended: 7/23/2015

Amended: 4/25/2024


Updated on:  May 15, 2024

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