Chlamydia – Prevention
The best way to avoid the spread of chlamydia is not to have sex, or to have sex with only one partner who has been tested and is known to be uninfected.
If you have sex, always use a condom
Latex condoms with a water-based lubricant can reduce the risk of spreading of chlamydia. If you’re allergic to latex, use plastic (polyurethane) condoms with a water-based lubricant.
If you have more than one sex partner
Get an STD test any time you change sex partners or are concerned about the possibility of having an STD, even if you don’t have symptoms.
Get checked for chlamydia and other STDs regularly
Annual chlamydia testing is recommended for:
- All women 25 years old and younger who have sex
- Older women at risk (a new sex partner you have known for less than six months or multiple sex partners)
- All pregnant women
- Men who have sex with men
Get tested for chlamydia if:
- You or your partner has signs of chlamydia
- You do not use condoms regularly
- You are under 25 and sexually active
- You have had sex with more than one person in the past three months
- You or your partner has gonorrhea or another STD
Stop having sex and see a health care provider immediately if you have any of the following genital symptoms:
- Discharge or burning during urination
- An unusual sore or rash
Visit the Symptoms & Treatment webpage for more information.
Stay with one partner
Have sex with only one person. Both you and your partner should get checked for chlamydia and other STDs before you have sex. Neither one of you should ever have sex with anyone else.
Don’t use drugs or alcohol
People who are drunk or high do not always make careful choices and are more likely to engage in activities that put themselves and others at a higher risk for STDs.
More Information
See your health care provider, visit the Sexual Health Clinic webpages or call the Sexual Health Clinic at (702) 759-0702.
Updated on: April 10, 2019 2:29 pm