About B

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So far B has created 23 blog entries.

Free HIV Self-tests

Together TakeMeHome (TTMH), is a project that is distributing free HIV self-tests to people in the United States. You can order up to 2 free HIV self-tests every 90 days. Tests are available to anyone 17 years or older, regardless of health insurance or immigration status.


Step-By-Step Online Domestic Violence Temporary Protective Order Application Launched By District Court As Risks Rise Amid Coronavirus

The Nevada Eighth Judicial District Court has launched an online guided application for domestic violence temporary protective orders. The online application, available through the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada Self Help web-site https://nevada.tylerhost.net/SRL/SRL/Start?legalProcessKey=Domestic_Violence_Temporary_Protective_Order, offers a step-by-step guide to complete a request for a domestic violence temporary protective order from the court. Up-on completion of the form, applicants are instructed to email their completed application directly to the court clerk for pro-cessing, or to e-file it. Upon submission, the applicant will be set for a telephonic hearing. Applicants have until 4 p.m. to submit their completed application for a same-day phone-in hearing; otherwise, they will be set for a hearing on the fol-lowing morning.


About 2019 Novel Coronavirus

What should I look for if I or someone in my family visited Wuhan recently? If you or someone in your family has visited the area recently and you started feel sick with respiratory symptoms like fever, cough, or difficulty breathing within 14 days after you returned, contact your health care provider so you can seek medical care. Call your doctor’s office, urgent care, or emergency department before you to so they can make preparations for your arrival and take the necessary precautions to get you tested and to prevent others from being exposed.

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