Home/Immunization Clinic

¿Es Gripa o es Influenza?

La gripa y la influenza son muy contagiosas, sin embargo la Influenza es una enfermedad seria que puede tener complicaciones fatales. Tipicamente las gripas empiezan despacio y la persona solo presenta una enfermedad leve. Signos de la Influenza incluye variedad de sintomas incluyendo dolor de cabeza, tos seca y escalofríos.


La Influenza (La Gripe)

La gripe es una infección muy contagiosa causada por el virus de la influenza. La mayoría de las personas saludables se recuperan de la gripe sin complicaciones. Sin embargo, las personas mayores de 65 años, niños pequeños, mujeres embarazadas, y personas con condiciones médicas crónicas pueden correr el riesgo de las complicaciones serias de la gripe.


Seasonal Flu (Influenza)

The flu is a contagious respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. Most healthy people recover from the flu without complications. However, in an average year, the flu causes 30,000 deaths and 200,000 hospitalizations in the United States, mostly among people 65 years or older.


Flu Vaccine

The Health District offers flu vaccine at all Health District clinic locations each fall. Check individual public health center locations for hours of operation.


Childhood Vaccines

The health district immunizes approximately 60 percent of all newborns in Clark County. The national goal is to have 90 percent of all children immunized by 2 years old.



(10 - 18 years old) Vaccines aren't just for babies. As kids get older, the protection provided by some of the shots given during childhood can begin to wear off. Older kids can also develop risks for certain infections as they enter the preteen and teen years.


Adult Vaccines

(19 - 64 years old) Many adults do not realize they could be at risk for a vaccine preventable disease. The effectiveness of some vaccinations lessens over time and will not provide enough protection.


Vaccines for Seniors

Many seniors do not get vaccinated, even though they are at higher risk for disease complications. Getting vaccinated will help you protect yourself, your family and friends.


Vaccine for Health Care Professionals

Many health care professionals do not get vaccinated, even though they care for people at higher risk for disease complications. Getting vaccinated will help you protect yourself, your family and your patients.


Vaccine Information Statements

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a number of vaccine information statements providing details of the vaccines required to be administered


Vaccines for Children Program

The Southern Nevada Health District is a is Vaccine for Children (VFC) Program provider. The VFC Program helps provide vaccines to children whose parents or guardians may not be able to afford them.


Available Vaccines

The Southern Nevada Health District is dedicated to ensuring that infants, children and adults are immunized against vaccine preventable [...]


Travel Vaccine Clinics

The health district offers vaccines for people traveling outside the United States. As with most immunizations, travel vaccines often require several weeks to provide complete protection. It is recommended that travel vaccines are administered as soon as possible.


Laughlin Clinic

At each clinic, Laughlin residents can receive all childhood vaccines for babies, pre-schoolers, pre-teens and adolescents as well as adult immunizations such as Tdap, pneumonia or flu shots


Clinics and Locations

Nevada law requires that all children be fully immunized before entering school. Visit the Clark County School District's Student Enrollment Process for vaccination requirements. The health district offers all vaccines for school at all public health centers. Special community clinics may be found on the Vaccines for School webpage.


Immunization Clinic

The Public Access Portal of the Nevada WebIZ program allows parents and legal guardians to print official immunization records for their child(ren) (aged 0 through 17 years). It also allows adult individuals (aged 18 years and over) to print official immunization records for themselves. To download immunization records, visit the Nevada WebIZ Public Access Portal.

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