Home/Sexual Health Clinic

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

This material was supported by the Nevada State Division of Public and Behavioral Health through Grant Number NU62PS924579-02 from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Division nor Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


HIV Care Services – Ryan White Program

The goal of the Ryan White Program (RW) Care Services is to provide patient centered services to individuals living with HIV, link them to the health care services they need, and ensure they remain in care. The RW team includes providers, clinic nurses and medical assistants, RW Eligibility Workers, Nurse Case Managers, a Social Worker, and Community Health Workers.


Information for Health Care Providers

Currently in Southern Nevada, there has been a steady increase of syphilis along with HIV cases, which are increasingly diagnosed in the public and private sectors. The following individuals and groups have been identified as having a higher incidence of risk:


HIV / AIDS Frequently Asked Questions

WHAT IS HIV? HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus and it weakens the body’s immune system (your defense against infections). It is the virus that causes AIDS. The virus may be passed from one person to another when infected blood, semen or vaginal secretions come in contact with an uninfected person’s broken skin or mucous membranes. (A mucous membrane is wet, thin tissue found in certain openings to the human body, including the mouth, eyes, nose, vagina, rectum, and the opening of the penis.)


Rapid HIV Testing/Counseling Certification Program

This is a week long course designed to provide the attendee with all of the necessary information to conduct rapid HIV testing in our community. The breakdown of the course is below. In order to receive a certificate, you must attend all classes. This certificate is required by the State Laboratory Licensing Bureau for the CLIA waver to conduct on site Rapid HIV testing.


Facing AIDS

Facing AIDS was originally supposed to be a five minute video about how Lane, Tracy, Maryanne and Ivan live [...]


AIDS Fraud

"If it sounds too good to be true…it probably is!" "Ignorance can be as deadly as the disease" "Help [...]


Syphilis – Resources

Related Links Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Stop the Sores Healthy Penis Reports Congenital Syphilis Outbreak - Investigation [...]


Chlamydia – Prevention

The best way to avoid the spread of chlamydia is not to have sex, or to have sex with only one partner who has been tested and is known to be uninfected.


Sexual Health Clinic

The Sexual Health Clinic combines the services of the former STD and HIV/AIDS Clinics. It is located at 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89107 The Sexual Health Clinic is open Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (last walk-in at 5 p.m.) and Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (last walk-in at 4 p.m.). The clinic may close early or intermittently when maximum patient volume is reached. To increase the likelihood of being seen the same day, it’s best to arrive at the clinic early.

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