In 2022, I want to…
Published on January 13, 2022
‘Tis the season for resolutions to make changes and be healthier in the New Year. Don’t let them go by the wayside by February 1! The Southern Nevada Health District has resources to help you live a healthier life and be your best self in 2022 with free online tools, classes and programs. For information, visit the Get Healthy Clark County or the Spanish-language Viva Saludable websites.
There’s an App for that!
Get Healthy Clark County offers free smartphone apps to help increase physical activity and eat better. The Walk Around Nevada app and online program helps to track daily physical activities. The Neon to Nature app can help locate walking, hiking, biking, or horse trails throughout Clark County. Half My Plate can provide a little motivation to include more fruits and vegetables. The SNAP Cooking App has healthy recipes that can be prepared, well, in a snap! The app also makes it easy to find retailers accepting SNAP benefits in your ZIP code. To find the app that fits your lifestyle, visit the Get Healthy Clark County Mobile Apps page. Visit Viva Saludable for apps that are available in Spanish.

Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking is one of the most famous resolutions and one of the best decisions you can make. Get Healthy Clark County has free tobacco cessation resources available to help, including the Nevada Tobacco Quitline at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669). The Quitline is available in English and Spanish 1-855-DÉJELO-YA (1-855-335-3569) and it is a phone-based service available to Nevadans age 13 and older. Callers will work with a coach who can provide quitting assistance and some people might be eligible to receive free supplies of nicotine replacement patches, gum or lozenges. For more information, visit Get Healthy Clark County Live Tobacco Free or the Viva Saludable Live Tobacco Free websites.
Free Diabetes Self-Management Classes
For people with diabetes, self-management is the key to staying healthy and reducing the risk of complications. The free classes are taught by trained facilitators who can help participants better manage their condition with evidence-based meal planning, physical activity, and diabetes resources. The class is appropriate for people living with diabetes, caregivers, and people who have prediabetes. Virtual and in-person classes are scheduled throughout 2022. Classes are free, but class size is limited. For information or to register, visit, call (702) 759-1270 or email or

Free Self-Monitoring Blood Pressure Program
Keeping blood pressure in check is important for people with hypertension and lowers your risk for stroke or heart disease. In a partnership with the YMCA of Southern Nevada, the program provides personalized support to help people with hypertension develop a blood-pressure self-monitoring routine as well as tips to maintain cardiovascular health and nutrition education. Classes are free and begin in February at the Bill and Lillie Heinrich YMCA (4141 Meadows Ln., Las Vegas, NV 89107) and SkyView YMCA (3050 E. Centennial Parkway, North Las Vegas, NV 89081). Spots are limited and registration is open now. The program is available in English and Spanish. For more information, call (702) 832-4901 or email
Free Hypertension Education Program
“With Every Heartbeat is Life,” is a six-week program to help people learn to lower their risk for heart disease and to better manage other health conditions. The class is free and limited to members of the Martin Luther King Senior Center. Space is limited. For more information, call (702) 759-1270 or email