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Meeting Agenda

September 9, 2020 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

The Southern Nevada Health District Will Be Hosting A Virtual Town Hall and Listening Session on Its District Health Officer Recruitment Goals

Purpose: The Southern Nevada Health District is currently recruiting a District Health Officer who will provide public health and administrative and executive leadership to the Southern Nevada Health District and the Southern Nevada Community Health Center. The Health District seeks community input regarding the attributes and qualities of the model candidate.

We encourage members of the public to review a copy of the District Health Officer recruitment brochure prior to the Town Hall / Listening Session. The brochure is available on the Health District’s website at:

All participants will be muted as they join the meeting. There will be three ways to comment during the Town Hall / Listening Session:

This Town Hall / Listening Session will be available to attend via Webex:

To call into the meeting, dial 408-418-9388 and enter Access Code: 136 500 6606

  1. Participants who have joined via WebEx, will need to “raise their hand” to indicate they want to speak. To raise your hand while participating online via WebEx:
    1. Find your name on the participant list, and hover over your name. A Raise Hand icon will appear.
    2. Click on the Raise Hand button which will place a small hand icon next to your name in the participant list.
    3. After you raise your hand you will be informed when it is your turn to speak, and your microphone will be unmuted at that time. Your microphone will be muted again when you have finished your comments or when your speaking time has expired.
  2. Participants who have joined via telephone, will need to press *3 on their phone to raise your hand. Once you have raised your hand, you’ll hear the prompt, “You have raised your hand to ask a question. Please wait to speak until the host calls on you.” If you no longer want to ask a question, or the host has already called on you, then press *3 to lower your hand. You will hear a message, “You have lowered your hand”.
    1. To hear a list of All commands available during the Town Hall / Listening session, press **.
  3. Participants may submit written comments to be read into the record. All email comments must be received prior to the start of the Town Hall / Listening Session. Please email comments to: