Home/Public Notices

Public Notices

NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT CHANGES TO THE REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND LIQUID WASTE MANAGEMENT IS HEREBY GIVEN. The Health District proposes updating these regulations to simplify and clarify existing language, as well as make other needed changes.

The Health District is currently accepting data and arguments regarding the potential impact of the proposed regulatory changes on businesses as provided in NRS 237. As part of this process, the Health District will hold one public WORKSHOP for interested parties to present their views regard-ing the potential business impact of the proposed 2025 Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) and Liquid Waste Management regulations. The public workshop will be held on Tuesday April 1, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., in-person at the SNHD Public Health Center, 280 South Decatur Boulevard, Las Vegas, in the Red Rock Conference Room.



Business Impact Statement

Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Request for Proposals (RFP) 25RFP008 Website Redesign Canceled 3/27/2025

SNHD requests proposals from web design and development agencies to redesign and develop SNHD’s website. Questions due at 2:00 PM PST on 03/03/2025. Proposals due at 2:00 PM PDT on 03/20/2025.

Addendum #1

Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Invitation to Bid (ITB) 25ITB001 Fremont Dental Clinic Canceled 3/4/2025

SNHD invites bids from experienced and qualified, pursuant to NRS 338.1379, Nevada-licensed general contractors to construct a dental clinic at an existing facility in Las Vegas, NV (PWP-CL-2025-247). Mandatory site visit at 2:00 PM PST on 02/10/25. Questions due at 2:00 PM PST on 02/21/25. Bids due and public opening at 2:00 PM PDT on 03/24/25.



Addendum #1

Addendum #2

2025 Proposed Public Accommodation Regulations Canceled

THIRTY DAY NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT CHANGES TO THE REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SANITATION AND SAFETY OF  PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION FACILITIES IS HEREBY GIVEN. The Southern Nevada Health District proposes updating the regulations to simplify and clarify existing language, as well as making other needed changes.

Members of the public may submit written comments regarding the proposed regulation changes by emailing pa@snhd.org or submitting written comments no later than April 28, 2025, for consideration prior to the PUBLIC HEARING. Additionally, public comments may be provided during a WORKSHOP and PUBLIC HEARING, details of which are provided below.



NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT CHANGES TO THE REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SANITATION AND SAFETY OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION FACILITIES IS HEREBY GIVEN. The Health District proposes updating these regulations to simplify and clarify existing language, as well as make other needed changes.

The Health District is currently accepting data and arguments regarding the potential impact of the proposed regulatory changes on businesses as provided in NRS 237. As part of this process, the Health District will hold one public WORKSHOP for interested parties to present their views regarding the potential business impact of the proposed 2025 Public Accommodation Regulations. The public workshop will be held on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 1:00 p.m., in-person at the SNHD Public Health Center, 280 South Decatur Boulevard, Las Vegas, in the Red Rock Conference Room.



Business Impact Statement

Request for Proposals (RFP) 25RFP007 CMAR BSL-3 Lab Construction Reissued

SNHD requests proposals from experienced and qualified, pursuant to NRS 338.1379, Nevada-licensed general contractors to serve as Construction Manager at Risk for the construction of a new Biosafety Level 3 laboratory in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mandatory site visit at 2:00 PM PST on 01/23/2025. Questions due 2:00 PM PST on 01/30/2025. Proposals due/public opening 2:00 PM PST on 02/20/2025.




25RFP007 Addendum #1 (Revised 02/11/2025)

Certified Receipt of Proposers

Request for Proposals (RFP) 25RFP006 Contingency Management Education & Technical Assistance

SNHD requests proposals from entities to provide education and technical assistance related to Contingency Management to providers in Clark County, Nevada. Questions due at 2:00 PM PST on 01/16/2025. Proposals due at 2:00 PM PST on 02/17/2025.

The Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) will conduct a PUBLIC WORKSHOP on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 2:00 p.m., in the Red Rock Conference Room at the SNHD Main Facility at 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89107, for an Application for a Permit to Operate a Waste Grease Facility from Kismet Enterprises, LLC dba Filta Environmental Kitchen Solutions, located at 3925 W Hacienda Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89118, Clark County Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 162-30-701-013.

The Solid Waste Management Authority Regulations Governing the Management of Solid Waste are available at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/permits-and-regulations/solid-waste-plan-review/regulations-statutes/. Chapter 2-2.01(A)(2) states: “Prior to commencing the operation of any Solid Waste Management Facility, the Owner or Operator, responsible Person or Persons, business entity, or agent must make written application for an initial Permit on forms provided by the Health Authority, pay all applicable fees, and receive written approval from the Solid Waste Management Authority to operate.”

The permit application is available for review and comments can be entered at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices.  Please contact (702) 759-0660 for special viewing needs. Copies of documents may be requested during that time for a nominal fee.

Interested persons may appear at the PUBLIC WORKSHOP and present their views thereon. Written comments will also be considered and must be forwarded to Cherie Custodio, Environmental Health Senior Administrative Assistant, Southern Nevada Health District, P.O. Box 3902, Las Vegas, Nevada 89127-3902, within 30 days after this notice is published. A Fact Sheet is available for viewing at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices. If there are special viewing needs, please call (702) 759-0660 for accommodation.



Fact Sheet

The Southern Nevada District Board of Health (Board) will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 9:00 a.m., in the Red Rock Conference Room at the SNHD Main Facility at 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89107, for an Application to Operate a Solid Waste Storage Bin Facility, from Nevada Department of Transportationlocated at 123 East Washington Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89101, Clark County Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN): 139-27-603-005 and 139-27-603-019. This permit application includes a waiver. In the event this application is not presented at the February 27, 2025, Board meeting, it will be rescheduled for the March 27, 2025, Board meeting at the same time and location listed above.

The Solid Waste Management Authority Regulations Governing the Management of Solid Waste (SWMA Regulations) are available at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/permits-and-regulations/solid-waste-plan-review/regulations-statutes. Chapter 2-2.01(A)(2) states: “Prior to commencing the operation of any Solid Waste Management Facility, the Owner or Operator, responsible Person or Persons, business entity, or agent must make written application for an initial Permit on forms provided by the Health Authority, pay all applicable fees, and receive written approval from the Solid Waste Management Authority to operate.” Per Chapter 2-1.04 of the SWMA Regulations, the waiver portion of the application must be considered for approval by the Board at a public hearing.

Petitioner requests a waiver to operate a storage bin facility not in compliance with Chapter 3-8.01 subsections (B)(1), (B)(2) and (B)(4) of the SWMA Regulations. Subsection (B)(1) prohibits processing of solid waste; subsection (B)(2) prohibits transferring solid waste from container to container; and subsection (B)(4) prohibits the storage of solid waste outside of waste storage bins.

The permit application is available for review and comments can be entered at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices. Please contact (702) 759-0600 for special viewing needs. Copies of documents may be requested during that time for a nominal fee.

Interested persons may appear at the PUBLIC HEARING and present their views thereon; and/or may appear at the PUBLIC WORKSHOP to be held on January 29, 2025, at 1:00 p.m., at the Southern Nevada Health District’s Red Rock Conference Room, 280 S. Decatur, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107. Written comments will also be considered and must be forwarded to Cherie Custodio, Sr. Administrative Assistant for Environmental Health Engineering, Southern Nevada Health District, P.O. Box 3902, Las Vegas, Nevada 89127-0902, within 30 days after this notice is published. A Fact Sheet is available for viewing at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices and by mail or email upon request from swpr@snhd.org.  If there are special viewing needs, please call (702) 759-0660 for accommodation.

Prior to the above PUBLIC HEARING before the Board of Health on February 27, 2025, there will be a PUBLIC WORKSHOP held on January 29, 2025, for the public to present their views on the proposed Application. The Public Workshop will be held at 1:00 p.m., at the Southern Nevada Health District’s Red Rock Conference Room, 280 S. Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107. Written submissions are encouraged. For additional information, call (702) 759-0660.



Fact Sheet

Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Request for Proposals (RFP) 25RFP004 CMAR BSL-3 Lab Construction Canceled 12/10/2024

SNHD requests proposals from experienced and qualified, pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes 338.1379, Nevada-licensed General Contractors to serve as Construction Manager at Risk for the construction of a new Biosafety Level 3 laboratory in Las Vegas, Nevada. The cost of the Project will be based on a Guaranteed Maximum Price. Mandatory site visit 4:00 PM PST on 11/19/2024. Questions due 2:00 PM PST on 12/03/2024. Proposals due/public opening 2:00 PM PST on 01/09/2025.




Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


PUBLIC NOTICE: The Southern Nevada District Board of Health will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 9:00 AM during its regular monthly meeting in the Red Rock Conference Room at the Southern Nevada Health District at 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada, to approve or deny a variance request filed by Ronald Salchenberger (“Petitioner”), to permit and install a new individual sewage disposal system on the property located at Accessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 177-18-801-019.

The variance request is made to allow the Petitioner to permit the installation of a conventional septic system not in accordance with the Southern Nevada District Board of Health Regulations Governing Individual Sewage Disposal Systems and Liquid Waste Management. The variance will allow the Petitioner to install a septic system on an undersized lot.

All interested persons may appear at the hearing and state their positions. All written and oral submissions will be considered by the Southern Nevada District Board of Health. Written comments must be forwarded by October 23, 2024 to:

Daniel Isler, P.E., REHS
Environmental Health Engineer/Supervisor
Southern Nevada Health District
P.O. Box 3902
Las Vegas, Nevada 89127

The variance application is available for review at the Southern Nevada Health District, 280 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107. Please contact Cherie Custodio at (702) 759-0660 to schedule an appointment to review the application during the normal business hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Variance Application for APN 177-18-801-019

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 25ITB003 BSL3 Civil & Site Improvements

The Southern Nevada Health District invites bids from experienced and qualified, pursuant to NRS 338.1379, Nevada-licensed general contractors to install utilities in the public right of way and perform on-site improvements related to the construction of a new BSL-3 laboratory in Las Vegas, Nevada (PWP-CL-2025-093). Mandatory site visit at 1:00 PM PDT on 10/14/2024. Questions due at 2:00 PM PDT on 10/18/2024. Bids due at 2:00 PM PST on 11/19/2024. Please name the documents: ITB Early Bid Package Plans

Public Improvement Plans


Early Bid Package

Addendum #1 Q&A

Addendum #2 Other Requirements

Geotechnical Evaluation

Lab Building Permit Civil Plan

Request for Proposals (RFP) 25RFP002 

The Southern Nevada Health District requests proposals from experienced community-based organizations to provide services to improve the health of populations disproportionately impacted by HIV/AIDS and other STIs in Clark County by implementing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Ending the HIV Epidemic” strategies. Questions due at 2:00 PM on 10/10/2024. Bids due at 2:00 PM PDT on 11/01/2024.


Attachment B

Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requester of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Public Notice: Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice The Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) will conduct a PUBLIC WORKSHOP on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 10:00am at the Southern Nevada Health District, Red Rock Conference Room, 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada for an Application for a Permit to Operate a Recycling Facility from Vital Records Control, LLC, located at 3830 West Craig Road, North Las Vegas, NV,89030 Clark County Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN): 140-08-210-041.

The Solid Waste Management Authority Regulations Governing the Management of Solid Waste are available at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/permits-and-regulations/solid-waste-plan-review/regulations-statutes/ Chapter 2-2.01(A)(2) states: “Prior to commencing the operation of any Solid Waste Management Facility, the Owner or Operator, responsible Person or Persons, business entity, or agent must make written application for an initial Permit on forms provided by the Health Authority, pay all applicable fees, and receive written approval from the Solid Waste Management Authority to operate.”

The permit application is available for review and comments can be entered at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices. Please contact (702) 759-0660. for special viewing needs. Copies of documents may be requested during that time at a nominal fee.

Interested persons may appear at the PUBLIC WORKSHOP and present their views thereon. Written comments will also be considered and must be forwarded to Daniel Burns, Environmental Health Engineer/Manager, Southern Nevada Health District, P.O. Box 3902, Las Vegas, Nevada 89127-3902, within 30 days after this notice is published. A Fact Sheet is available for viewing at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices. If there are special viewing needs, please call (702) 759-0660 for accommodation.

If a public comment is received within 30 days after this notice is published and cannot be resolved satisfactorily between the complainant and the applicant or if issues cannot be worked out between the applicant and SNHD, the Southern Nevada District Board of Health will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on August 22, 2024 (9:00 am) or September 26, 2024 (9:00 am) during its regular monthly meeting at the Southern Nevada Health District Board Room located at 280 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada to approve or deny the proposed application. Interested persons may appear at the PUBLIC HEARING and present their views thereon. Please see Agenda, Fact Sheet and Application attached.

Fact Sheet



Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Invitation to Bid (ITB) 24ITB008 Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Lab Construction

The Southern Nevada Health District seeks bids from experienced and qualified, pursuant to NRS 338.1379, Nevada-licensed General Contractors for the construction of a new approximately 12,600 square foot facility including lab work area, a BSL-3 lab area, clean room, and open spaces in accordance with approved permit drawings in Las Vegas, Nevada (PWP-CL-2024-397). Mandatory site visit at 10:00 AM PDT on 05/21/2024. Questions due at 2:00 PM on 06/04/2024. Bids due at 2:00 PM PDT on 07/09/2024.

24ITB008 Biosafety Level 3 Lab Construction

Interior Improvements Basis of Design Revised


50% DESIGN DOCUMENTS Public Improvement

A102-2017 Working Draft

A103 Exhibit A 2017 Working Draft

Anticipated Contract Language

100% DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 05/24/2024

Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Request for Proposals (RFP) 24RFP010 Temporary Staffing Services

The Southern Nevada Health District requests proposals from experienced and qualified temporary staffing agencies to provide temporary non-medical staffing services. Questions due at 2:00 PM PDT on 04/09/2024. Proposals due at 2:00 PM PDT on 05/07/2024.

24RFP010 Temporary Staffing Services

24RFP010 Addendum #1 Q&A

24RFP010 Addendum #2 – Correction to Addendum #1 Page 27

PUBLIC NOTICE: The Southern Nevada District Board of Health will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 9:00 AM during its regular monthly meeting in the Red Rock Conference Room at the Southern Nevada Health District at 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada, to approve or deny a variance request filed by Huma Fahim (“Petitioner”), to allow a reduced property line setback for the existing septic system (SNHD Permit #ON0014664) on the property located at 499 Sari Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89110, APN 140-35-210-065.

The variance is requested to allow the Petitioner to obtain approval for a Tenant Improvement in accordance with Section 3 of the Southern Nevada District Board of Health Regulations Governing Individual Sewage Disposal Systems and Liquid Waste Management and to allow future building permits to be issued. The variance will allow the existing septic system to encroach on the property line.

All interested persons may appear at the hearing and state their positions. All written and oral submissions will be considered by the Southern Nevada District Board of Health. Written comments must be forwarded by March 27, 2024 to:

Daniel Isler, P.E., REHS
Environmental Health Engineer/Supervisor
Southern Nevada Health District
P.O. Box 3902
Las Vegas, Nevada 89127

The variance application is available for review at the Southern Nevada Health District, 280 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107. Please contact Cherie Custodio at (702) 759-0660 to schedule an appointment to review the application during the normal business hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

PUBLIC NOTICE: The Southern Nevada District Board of Health will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 9:00 AM during its regular monthly meeting in the Red Rock Conference Room at the Southern Nevada Health District at 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada, to approve or deny a variance request filed by Jeremy and Laura Tippetts (“Petitioners”), to allow a reduced property line setback for the existing septic system (SNHD Permit #ON0033483) on the property located at 8520 Jakes Pl, Las Vegas, NV 89143, APN 125-05-703-011.

The variance is requested to allow the Petitioners to obtain final approval for their recently installed septic system in accordance with Section 16.9 of the Southern Nevada District Board of Health Regulations Governing Individual Sewage Disposal Systems and Liquid Waste Management and to allow future building permits to be issued. The variance will allow the existing septic system to encroach on the property line.

All interested persons may appear at the hearing and state their positions. All written and oral submissions will be considered by the Southern Nevada District Board of Health. Written comments must be forwarded by March 27, 2024 to:

Daniel Isler, P.E., REHS
Environmental Health Engineer/Supervisor
Southern Nevada Health District
P.O. Box 3902 Las Vegas, Nevada 89127

The variance application is available for review at the Southern Nevada Health District, 280 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107. Please contact Cherie Custodio at (702) 759-0660 to schedule an appointment to review the application during the normal business hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

PUBLIC NOTICE: The Southern Nevada District Board of Health will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 9:00 AM during its regular monthly meeting in the Red Rock Conference Room at the Southern Nevada Health District at 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada, to approve or deny a variance request filed by Matthew and Meghan Golightly (“Petitioners”), to allow a reduced property line setback for the existing unpermitted septic system on the property located at 339 Alpine Way, Mt. Charleston, NV 89124, APN 128-31-210-001.

The variance is requested to allow the Petitioners to obtain approval for a Tenant Improvement in accordance with Section 3 of the Southern Nevada District Board of Health Regulations Governing Individual Sewage Disposal Systems and Liquid Waste Management and to allow future building permits to be issued. The variance will allow the existing unpermitted septic system to encroach on the property line.

All interested persons may appear at the hearing and state their positions. All written and oral submissions will be considered by the Southern Nevada District Board of Health. Written comments must be forwarded by March 27, 2024 to:

Daniel Isler, P.E.,
REHS Environmental Health Engineer/Supervisor
Southern Nevada Health District
P.O. Box 3902
Las Vegas, Nevada 89127

The variance application is available for review at the Southern Nevada Health District, 280 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107. Please contact Cherie Custodio at (702) 759-0660 to schedule an appointment to review the application during the normal business hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Request for Proposals (RFP) 24RFP009 Landscaping Services

The Southern Nevada Health District requests proposals from experienced and qualified landscape companies with proven expertise in irrigation/water management, landscape management, pest control, soils, and fertilizers to maintain two locations in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mandatory site visits on 03/07/2024 (see RFP for attendance form). Questions due at 2:00 PM PST on 03/14/2024. Bids due at 2:00 PM PST on 04/11/2024.

24RFP009 Landscaping Services

 24RFP009 Addendum #1 Q&A

Public Notice: The Southern Nevada District Board of Health will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 9:00 AM during its regular monthly meeting in the Red Rock Conference Room at the Southern Nevada Health District at 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada, to approve or deny a variance request filed by Alpha Investment Group (“Petitioner”), to permit and install a new individual sewage disposal system on the property located at 7237 W. Washburn Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89149, APN 125-34-310-011. The variance request is made to allow the Petitioner to permit the installation of a conventional septic system not in accordance with the Southern Nevada District Board of Health Regulations Governing Individual Sewage Disposal Systems and Liquid Waste Management. The variance will allow the Petitioner to install a septic system on an undersized lot. All interested persons may appear at the hearing and state their positions. All written and oral submissions will be considered by the Southern Nevada District Board of Health. Written comments must be forwarded by February 21, 2024 to: Daniel Isler, P.E., REHS Environmental Health Engineer/Supervisor Southern Nevada Health District P.O. Box 3902 Las Vegas, Nevada 89127 isler@snhd.org The variance application is available for review at the Southern Nevada Health District, 280 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107. Please contact Daniel Isler at (702) 759-0660 to schedule an appointment to review the application during the normal business hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Public Notice: The Southern Nevada District Board of Health will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 9:00 AM during its regular monthly meeting in the Red Rock Conference Room at the Southern Nevada Health District at 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada, to approve or deny a variance request filed by Jerry and Stacy Walton (“Petitioners”), to allow existing trees to remain within 10 feet of the existing septic system (SNHD Permit #ON0010593) on the property located at 11010 La Cienega St., Las Vegas, NV 89183, APN 177-33-704-001. The variance is requested to allow the Petitioners to obtain approval for a Tenant Improvement in accordance with Section 3 of the Southern Nevada District Board of Health Regulations Governing Individual Sewage Disposal Systems and Liquid Waste Management and to allow future building permits to be issued. The variance will allow the existing trees to encroach on the septic system. All interested persons may appear at the hearing and state their positions. All written and oral submissions will be considered by the Southern Nevada District Board of Health. Written comments must be forwarded by January 24, 2024 to: Daniel Isler, P.E., REHS Environmental Health Engineer/Supervisor Southern Nevada Health District P.O. Box 3902 Las Vegas, Nevada 89127 isler@snhd.org The variance application is available for review at the Southern Nevada Health District, 280 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107. Please contact Daniel Isler at (702) 759-0660 to schedule an appointment to review the application during the normal business hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Invitation to Bid (ITB) 24ITB007 280 Door Replacement (Rebid)

The Southern Nevada Health District seeks bids from qualified contractors to replace the main entrance doors at an existing Las Vegas facility (PWP-CL-2024-037). Mandatory site visit at 10:00 AM PST on 11/16/2023. Questions due at 2:00 PM PST on 11/20/2023. Bids due at 2:00 PM PST on 12/07/2023.

24ITB007 280 Door Replacement (Rebid)

24ITB007 Addendum #1 (Revision to Section II – Scope of Services and Questions & Answers)

Request for Proposals (RFP) 24RFP006 Senior Leadership Development

SNHD requests proposals from qualified and experienced organizations to provide senior leadership training and development. Questions due by 2:00 p.m. PST on November 7, 2023. Proposals due by 2:00 p.m. PST on November 27, 2023.

24RFP006 Senior Leadership Development

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 24ITB005 Behavioral Health Clinic Remodel

The Southern Nevada Health District seeks bids from experienced and qualified, pursuant to NRS 338.1379, Nevada-licensed General Contractors to convert a cafeteria totaling approximately 1,955 square feet into a behavioral health clinic in Las Vegas, Nevada. (PWP-CL-2024-080). Mandatory site visit at 9:00 AM PDT on 10/24/2023. Questions due at 2:00 PM on 10/31/2023. Bids due at 2:00 PM PST on 11/27/2023.



24ITB005 Addendum #1 Q&A

24ITB005 Addendum #2 Follow-up Questions

24ITB005 Receipt of Bids

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Invitation to Bid (ITB) 24ITB004 280 Roof AC Units Replacement

The Southern Nevada Health District seeks bids from experienced and qualified Nevada-licensed air-conditioning contractors (C-21b license) to replace 13 rooftop units at its main facility located at 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89107. Mandatory site visit at 9:00 a.m. PDT on September 26, 2023. Questions due at 2:00 p.m. on October 3, 2023. Bids due at 2:00 p.m. PDT on October 31, 2023.


24ITB004 Addendum #1 (Revision to Section II – Scope of Services and Questions & Answers)

24ITB004 Receipt of Bids

Invitation to Bid (ITB) 24ITB003 280 Door Replacement CANCELED 10/19/2023

The Southern Nevada Health District seeks bids from qualified contractors to replace entrance doors at our main facility, a converted Target store, located at 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89107. The Project entails replacing the main entrance doors including two sets of electric sliding doors with a man door on both sides of the airlock and replacing an existing double door at an adjacent suite. Mandatory Site Visit at 9:00 a.m. PDT on September 21, 2023, at 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89107. Questions due by 2:00 p.m. PDT on September 28, 2023. Proposals due by 2:00 p.m. PDT on October 19, 2023.


24ITB003 Addendum #1 Q&A

Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

SWMA Agenda

Request for Proposals 24RFP002 Lab Construction Project Manager

The Southern Nevada Health District seeks a qualified construction project manager to oversee the construction (expansion) of a 14,000 square foot Biosafety Level 3 laboratory in Las Vegas, Nevada. Questions due by 2:00 p.m. on August 24, 2023. Proposals due by 2:00 p.m. on September 14, 2023.

Request for Proposals 24RFP001 Lobbyist

The Southern Nevada Health District requests proposals for government affairs consultant services (Lobbyists) from qualified individuals or firms with experience in providing state-level legislative lobbying services to governmental entities in Nevada. Questions due by 2:00 p.m. on August 07, 2023. Proposals due by 2:00 p.m. on August 24, 2023.

Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice

The Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) will conduct a PUBLIC WORKSHOP on Thursday, July 20, 2023, at 1:00 p.m., at the Southern Nevada Health District, Red Rock Conference Room, 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada for an Application for a Permit to Operate a Recycling Facility from TES USA, Inc., located at 1100 Mary Crest Road, Henderson, NV 89074, Clark County Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN): 178-15-511-057.

The Solid Waste Management Authority Regulations Governing the Management of Solid Waste are available at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/permits-and-regulations/solid-waste-plan-review/regulations-statutes/ Chapter 2-2.01(A)(2) states: “Prior to commencing the operation of any Solid Waste Management Facility, the Owner or Operator, responsible Person or Persons, business entity, or agent must make written application for an initial Permit on forms provided by the Health Authority, pay all applicable fees, and receive written approval from the Solid Waste Management Authority to operate.” The permit application is available for review and comments can be entered at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices.

Please contact Mallory Jett-Edwards at (702) 759-0660 for special viewing needs. Copies of documents may be requested during that time at a nominal fee. Interested persons may appear at the PUBLIC WORKSHOP and present their views thereon. Written comments will also be considered and must be forwarded to Daniel Burns, Environmental Health Engineer/Manager, Southern Nevada Health District, P.O. Box 3902, Las Vegas, Nevada 89127, within 30 days after this notice is published. A Fact Sheet is available for viewing at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices and via mail, fax, or e-mail upon request. If there are special viewing needs, please call (702) 759-0660 for accommodation.

Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice

Public Notice: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.


Request for Proposals (RFP) 23RFP008 for COVID Disparities Partners Project Canceled

The Southern Nevada Health District requests proposals from community-based organizations and/or healthcare providers to develop and/or expand community partnerships, to improve existing and/or develop new resources and services to reduce COVID-19, and to address other health disparities among underserved populations in rural areas in Clark County. Questions due by 2:00 p.m. on May 30, 2023. Proposals due by 2:00 p.m. on June 15, 2023.

Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for May 11, 2023
Request for Proposals (RFP) 23RFP007 Architectural and Engineering Services 

The Southern Nevada Health District requests proposals from qualified and experienced architectural and engineering firms to provide architectural/engineering services for a new Biosafety Level 3 laboratory. Questions are due by 2:00 p.m. PDT on May 1, 2023. Proposals are due by 2:00 p.m. PDT on May 25, 2023.

Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for April 13, 2023
Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice

The Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) will conduct a PUBLIC WORKSHOP on Monday, April 10, 2023, at 1:00 p.m., at the Southern Nevada Health District, Red Rock Conference Room, 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada for an Application for a Permit to Operate a Recycling Facility from Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc., located at 4435 East Colton Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89115, Clark County Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN): 140-08-401-016.

The Solid Waste Management Authority Regulations Governing the Management of Solid Waste are available at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/permits-and-regulations/solid-waste-planreview/regulations-statutes/. Chapter 2-2.01 (A)(2) states: “Prior to commencing the operation of any Solid Waste Management Facility, the Owner or Operator, responsible Person or Persons, business entity, or agent must make written application for an initial Permit on forms provided by the Health Authority, pay all applicable fees, and receive written approval from the Solid Waste Management Authority to operate.”

The permit application is available for review and comments can be entered at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices. Please contact Carol Cottam at (702) 759-0661 for special viewing needs. Copies of documents may be requested during that time at a nominal fee. Interested persons may appear at the PUBLIC WORKSHOP and present their views thereon. Written comments will also be considered and must be forwarded to Daniel Burns, Environmental Health Engineer/Manager, Southern Nevada Health District, P.O. Box 3902, Las Vegas, Nevada 89127-3902, within 30 days after this notice is published. A Fact Sheet is available for viewing at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices and mail, fax, or e-mail upon request from Daniel Burns. If there are special viewing needs, please call (702) 759-0661 for accommodation.

Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for March 9, 2023
Request for Proposals (RFP) 23RFP005 Media Contractor

The Southern Nevada Health District requests proposals from qualified and experienced full-service marketing and/or advertising agencies to provide media advertising and production services. Deadline to submit questions is 2:00 p.m. PST on February 2, 2023. Deadline to submit proposals is 2:00 p.m. PST on March 2, 2023.

Public Hearing Notice

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the notice for February 23, 2023
Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for February 9, 2023
INVITATION TO BID 23ITB006 MLK Roof Replacement

The Southern Nevada Health District seeks one experienced and qualified Nevada-licensed Roof Contractor (C-15 license) to replace the roof at an existing facility located in Las Vegas, Nevada. PWP Number PWP-CL-2023-216. Mandatory Site Visit: 9:00 AM PST on February 16, 2023 (Must submit Mandatory Site Visit Form) Deadline to Submit Questions: 3:00 PM PST on February 21, 2023 Deadline to Submit Bids: 3:00 PM PDT on March 23, 2023

Aquatic Health Permit Hearing Public Notice

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for February 6, 2023 Canceled
Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for January 12, 2023
Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for December 8, 2022
Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for November 10, 2022
Request for Proposals (RFP) 23RFP004 Audit Services

The Southern Nevada Health District requests proposals from qualified and experienced public accounting firms whose principal officers are Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) to perform the Health District’s annual financial audit and single audit of federal expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, with an option for four (4) additional years. Deadline to submit questions is 2:00 p.m. on November 17, 2022. Deadline to submit proposals is 2:00 p.m. on December 13, 2022.

  • Download the RFP
Public Notice

The Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) will conduct a PUBLIC WORKSHOP on Monday, November 14, 2022, at 11:00 a.m., at the Southern Nevada Health District, Red Rock Conference Room, 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada for an Application for a Permit to Operate a Recycling Center Facility from PMR USA Inc., located at 3824 N 5th Street, Unit D, North Las Vegas, NV 89032. The Clark County Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) is 139-11-101-005.

The Solid Waste Management Authority Regulations Governing the Management of Solid Waste are available at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/permits-and-regulations/solid-waste-planreview/regulations-statutes/ Chapter 2-2.01(A)(2) states: “Prior to commencing the operation of any Solid Waste Management Facility, the Owner or Operator, responsible Person or Persons, business entity, or agent must make written application for an initial Permit on forms provided by the Health Authority, pay all applicable fees, and receive written approval from the Solid Waste Management Authority to operate.”

The permit application is available for review and comments can be entered at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices. Please contact Carol Cottam at (702) 759-0661 for special viewing needs. Copies of documents may be requested during that time at a nominal fee.

Interested persons may appear at the PUBLIC WORKSHOP and present their views thereon. Written comments will also be considered and must be forwarded to Daniel Burns, Environmental Health Engineer/Interim Supervisor, Southern Nevada Health District, P.O. Box 3902, Las Vegas, Nevada 89127-3902, within 30 days after this notice is published. A Fact Sheet is available for viewing at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices and mail, fax, or e-mail upon request from Daniel Burns. If there are special viewing needs, please call (702) 759-0661 for accommodation.

If a public comment is received within 30 days after this notice is published and cannot be resolved satisfactorily between the complainant and the applicant or if issues cannot be worked out between the applicant and SNHD, the Southern Nevada District Board of Health will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on November 17, 2022 (11:00 a.m.) or a date to be determined in January 2023 (typically the fourth Thursday of the month at 9:00 a.m.) during its regular monthly meeting at the Southern Nevada Health District Board Room located at 280 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada to approve or deny the proposed application. Interested persons may appear at the PUBLIC HEARING and present their views thereon.

Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice:

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for October 13, 2022
Request for Proposals (RFP) 23RFP003 Monkeypox Response Efforts

The Southern Nevada Health District’s Division of Disease Surveillance and Control requests proposals from community-based organizations to support increased outreach, education, testing, and access to prevention and care for monkeypox in community settings. Deadline to submit questions is 2:00 p.m. on October 17, 2022. Deadline to submit proposals is 2:00 p.m. on November 3, 2022.

Office of Emergency Medical Services & Trauma System Hearing Officer Administrative Hearing:

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Office of Emergency Medical Services & Trauma System Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them. 

  • Download the Agenda for September 30, 2022
Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice:

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for September 20, 2022
Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice:

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for September 8, 2022
Public Notice

The Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) will conduct a PUBLIC WORKSHOP on Monday, September 12, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. at the Southern Nevada Health District, Red Rock Conference Room, 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada for an Application for a Permit to Operate a Recycling Center Facility from APEX Materials LLC, located at West Water Well Drill Road and Garza Street, in unincorporated Clark County. The Clark County Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) is 191-19-301-001.

The Solid Waste Management Authority Regulations Governing the Management of Solid Waste are available at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/permits-and-regulations/solid-waste-planreview/regulations-statutes/ Chapter 2-2.01(A)(2) states: “Prior to commencing the operation of any Solid Waste Management Facility, the Owner or Operator, responsible Person or Persons, business entity, or agent must make written application for an initial Permit on forms provided by the Health Authority, pay all applicable fees, and receive written approval from the Solid Waste Management Authority to operate.”

The permit application is available for review and comments can be entered at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices. Please contact Carol Cottam at (702) 759-0661 for special viewing needs. Copies of documents may be requested during that time at a nominal fee.

Interested persons may appear at the PUBLIC WORKSHOP and present their views thereon. Written comments will also be considered and must be forwarded to Daniel Burns, Environmental Health Engineer/Interim Supervisor, Southern Nevada Health District, P.O. Box 3902, Las Vegas, Nevada 89127-3902, within 30 days after this notice is published. A Fact Sheet is available for viewing at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices and mail, fax, or e-mail upon request from Daniel Burns. If there are special viewing needs, please call (702) 759-0661 for accommodation.

Public Notice

The Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) will conduct a PUBLIC WORKSHOP on Monday, September 12, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. (noon), at the Southern Nevada Health District, Red Rock Conference Room, 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada for an Application for a Permit to Operate a Recycling Center Facility from evTerra Recycling LLC, located within the City of Henderson at 1085 Alper Center Drive, Suites 110, 120 and 130; Clark County Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN): 177-35-311-001.

The Solid Waste Management Authority Regulations Governing the Management of Solid Waste are available at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/permits-and-regulations/solid-waste-planreview/regulations-statutes/ Chapter 2-2.01(A)(2) states: “Prior to commencing the operation of any Solid Waste Management Facility, the Owner or Operator, responsible Person or Persons, business entity, or agent must make written application for an initial Permit on forms provided by the Health Authority, pay all applicable fees, and receive written approval from the Solid Waste Management Authority to operate.”

The permit application is available for review and comments can be entered at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices. Please contact Carol Cottam at (702) 759-0661 for special viewing needs. Copies of documents may be requested during that time at a nominal fee.

Interested persons may appear at the PUBLIC WORKSHOP and present their views thereon. Written comments will also be considered and must be forwarded to Daniel Burns, Environmental Health Engineer/Interim Supervisor, Southern Nevada Health District, P.O. Box 3902, Las Vegas, Nevada 89127-3902, within 30 days after this notice is published. A Fact Sheet is available for viewing at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices and mail, fax, or e-mail upon request from Daniel Burns. If there are special viewing needs, please call (702) 759-0661 for accommodation.

Request for Proposals (RFP) 23RFP002 Temp Medical Staffing Services

The Southern Nevada Health District is requesting proposals from experienced and qualified medical staffing agencies to provide temporary medical staffing for interim vacancies, planned annual events and emergencies, with no fixed terms, paid at contracted hourly rates.

Written questions about this RFP must be submitted via email with the subject “23RFP002Temporary Medical Staffing Services” to procurement@snhd.org by 12:00 p.m. on, August 26, 2022.

Proposals are due by 12:00 p.m. on, September 23, 2022.

Request for Proposals (RFP) 23RFP001 – COVID-19 Health Disparity Assessment and Healthcare Equity Models

The Southern Nevada Health District’s Division of Disease Surveillance and Control requests proposals from qualified Proposers to obtain baseline data and assess the burden of healthcare disparities among marginalized population groups to establish healthcare equity models. The Deadline to Submit Questions is 2:00 p.m. DST on July 26, 2022. The Deadline to Submit Proposals is 2:00 p.m. DST on August 23, 2022.

Notice of Regulation Public Workshop for Errata to LCB File No. R002-22

 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Division of Public and Behavioral Health will hold a public workshop to consider an errata to proposed regulation legislative counsel bureau (LCB) File No. R002-22 amending Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) Chapter 441A in accordance with Senate Bill (SB) 211 of the 2021 Legislative Session and Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 441A. 



Intended Action:

The Office of EMS & Trauma System is proposing changes to the existing Southern Nevada Health District Regulations Governing the Southern Nevada Trauma System (Trauma System Regulations). The proposed changes include clarification of terms used in the regulations and modifications to the process for permitting new Trauma Centers in line with changes made to NRS 450B by AB 317 (2019). The Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health will take possible action on the proposed regulations, including possible adoption, at a public hearing on August 25, 2022.

Public Comment and Workshop:

Interested persons may submit data, views, or argument regarding the proposed regulations to the Health District. Written comments may be submitted by mail to the Office of EMS & Trauma System, P.O. Box 3902, Las Vegas, NV  89127, email to kingsley@snhd.org, or delivery to the Office of EMS & Trauma System, 280 S. Decatur Ave., Las Vegas, NV  89107. A public workshop for receiving written or oral comments will be held on July 13, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. Additionally, public comment will be accepted at a public hearing on the business impact statement on July 28, 2022, and  at a public hearing for possible action on the proposed regulations on August 25, 2022.  An agenda for the workshop may be downloaded here:  https://media.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/download/meetings/tsrw/2022/20220713/20220713-trauma-regs-workshop.pdf

Public Hearing on Business Impact Statement:

A public hearing to review and take possible action on the Business Impact Statement (BIS) for the proposed Trauma System Regulations will be held before the Southern Nevada District Board of Health (BOH) on Thursday, July 28, 2022 at 9:00 a.m., pursuant to NRS 237.090.  instructions for attending this meeting may be obtained online at least three days before the meeting here:  https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/meetings/board-of-health-agendas-minutes-and-audio-recordings/.

Public Hearing on the Proposed Regulations:

A public hearing to review and take possible action on the proposed changes to the Trauma System Regulations will be held before the BOH on Thursday, August 25, 2022, at 9:00 a.m.  Instructions for attending this meeting may be obtained online at least three days before the meeting here:  https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/meetings/board-of-health-agendas-minutes-and-audio-recordings/

Copies of the updated proposed Trauma System Regulations will be available for review in the Office of EMS & Trauma System, 280 South Decatur Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Copies can be requested at that time for a charge of one dollar per page. The same may be viewed on the SNHD website at: https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/programs/emergency-medical-services-trauma-system/regulations-manuals-protocols/

NOTE: If these items are not presented for Public Hearing at the SNHD Board of Health meetings scheduled for July 28, 2022 and August 25, 2022, it will be presented for public hearing at the SNHD Board of Health meetings scheduled for September 22, 2022 and October 27, 2022, at the same time and location noted above.

Notice of Public Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the Southern Nevada Health District’s Board of Health on July 28, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. at the Southern Nevada Health District, 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada, pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes 439.366 and 450B.237 for the purpose of requesting approval of renewal of authorization of St. Rose Siena Hospital as a Level III Trauma Center.

All interested persons may appear at the hearing and submit data, views or arguments regarding the proposed amendments. Written data, views and arguments may also be submitted to the District Board of Health in advance of the hearing, addressed to the Chairman of the Southern Nevada District Board of Health at P.O. Box 3902, Las Vegas, NV 89127. The District Board of Health will consider fully all written and oral submissions on the proposed amendments prior to taking action thereon. Questions may be directed to Southern Nevada Health District’s Office of Emergency Medical Services & Trauma System at (702) 759-1050.

Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice:

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for June 9, 2022
Request for Proposals (RFP) 22RFP008 ODTA Custom Van Reissued

Southern Nevada Health District requests proposals from experienced and qualified firms for the design, construction, delivery and training of one new custom van. The Deadline to Submit Questions is 2:00 p.m. DST on May 27, 2022. The Deadline to Submit Proposals is 2:00 p.m. DST on June 21, 2022.

Request for Proposals (RFP) 22RFP007 COVID-19 Detection & Mitigation in Homeless Service Sites

Southern Nevada Health District requests proposals from qualified Proposers for the detection and mitigation of COVID-19 in homeless service sites and encampments. The Deadline to Submit Questions is 2:00 p.m. DST on May 31, 2022. The Deadline to Submit Proposals is 2:00 p.m. DST on June 21, 2022.

Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice:

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for May 12, 2022  Canceled
Notice of Public Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the Southern Nevada Health District’s Board of Health on May 26, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. at the Southern Nevada Health District, 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada, pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes 439.366 and 450B.237 for the purpose of requesting approval of renewal of authorization of UMC as a Level I Trauma Center and as a Level II Pediatric Trauma Center.

All interested persons may appear at the hearing and submit data, views or arguments regarding the proposed amendments. Written data, views and arguments may also be submitted to the District Board of Health in advance of the hearing, addressed to the Chairman of the Southern Nevada District Board of Health at P.O. Box 3902, Las Vegas, NV 89127. The District Board of Health will consider fully all written and oral submissions on the proposed amendments prior to taking action thereon. Questions may be directed to Southern Nevada Health District’s Office of Emergency Medical Services & Trauma System at (702) 759-1050.

Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice:

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for April 14, 2022
Request for Proposals (RFP) 22RFP006 Overdose Data to Action Custom Van

Southern Nevada Health District requests proposals from experienced and qualified firms for the design, construction, delivery and training of one new Mercedes Sprinter type custom van. The Deadline to Submit Questions is 2:00 p.m. on April 6, 2022. The Deadline to Submit Proposals is 2:00 p.m. on April 26, 2022.

Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice:

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for March 10, 2022
Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice:

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for February 23, 2022
Solid Waste Management Authority Public Notice:

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 241.020 requires that written notice of all hearings of the Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health’s Solid Waste Management Authority Hearing Officer be given at least three working days before the hearings. The notice shall include the time, place, location, and agenda of the hearing. Individuals may request notice, but a request for notice lapses six months after it is made. The Southern Nevada District Board of Health informs each requestor of this fact by this notation on the copy of the notice mailed to them.

  • Download the Agenda for February 17, 2022
Public Notice

The Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) will conduct a PUBLIC WORKSHOP on Monday, February 14, 2022, at 9:00 a.m., at the Southern Nevada Health District, 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada for an Application for a Permit to Operate a Recycling Center Facility from APEX Materials LLC, located at the southeast corner of Cape Horn Drive and Courier Street, in Henderson, Nevada, 89011. The Clark County Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) is 178-02-801-003.

This meeting is being conducted via WebEx. If other accommodations for attending the Workshop are required, please contact Carol Cottam at 720-759-0661. The Workshop can be accessed by the following:

  • Web Event address for attendees:
  • https://snhd.webex.com/snhd/j.php?MTID=m5c419b7b0454220e831da3de05279626
  • To call into the meeting:
  • dial 1-415 655-0001 and;
  • enter Access Code: 2553 167 6285
  • For other governmental agencies who use video conferencing capability;

The Solid Waste Management Authority Regulations Governing the Management of Solid Waste are available at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/permits-and-regulations/solid-waste-plan-review/regulations-statutes/  Chapter 2-2.01(A)(2) states: “Prior to commencing the operation of any Solid Waste Management Facility, the Owner or Operator, responsible Person or Persons, business entity, or agent must make written application for an initial Permit on forms provided by the Health Authority, pay all applicable fees, and receive written approval from the Solid Waste Management Authority to operate.”

The permit application is available for review and comments can be entered at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices.  Please contact Carol Cottam at (702) 759-0661 for special viewing needs. Copies of documents may be requested during that time at a nominal fee.

Interested persons may appear at the PUBLIC WORKSHOP and present their views thereon.  Written comments will also be considered and must be forwarded to Daniel Burns, Environmental Health Engineer, Southern Nevada Health District, P.O. Box 3902, Las Vegas, Nevada 89127-3902, within 30 days after this notice is published. A Fact Sheet is available for viewing at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices and mail, fax, or e-mail upon request from Walter Ross.  If there are special viewing needs, please call (702) 759-0661 for accommodation.

Public Notice

The Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) will conduct a PUBLIC WORKSHOP on Thursday, January 13, 2022, at 9:00 a.m., at the Southern Nevada Health District, Red Rock Conference Room, 280 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada for an Application for a Permit to Operate a Recycling Center Facility from APEX Materials LLC, located southeast of Moccasin Road and Sky Point Drive, in unincorporated Clark County, Nevada within zip code 89143. The Clark County Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) is 126-01-502-006.

The Solid Waste Management Authority Regulations Governing the Management of Solid Waste are available at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/permits-and-regulations/solid-waste-plan-review/regulations-statutes/  Chapter 2-2.01(A)(2) states: “Prior to commencing the operation of any Solid Waste Management Facility, the Owner or Operator, responsible Person or Persons, business entity, or agent must make written application for an initial Permit on forms provided by the Health Authority, pay all applicable fees, and receive written approval from the Solid Waste Management Authority to operate.”

The permit application is available for review and comments can be entered at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices.  Please contact Carol Cottam at (702) 759-0661 for special viewing needs. Copies of documents may be requested during that time at a nominal fee.

Interested persons may appear at the PUBLIC WORKSHOP and present their views thereon.  Written comments will also be considered and must be forwarded to Daniel Burns, Environmental Health Engineer, Southern Nevada Health District, P.O. Box 3902, Las Vegas, Nevada 89127-3902, within 30 days after this notice is published. A Fact Sheet is available for viewing at https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/public-notices and mail, fax, or e-mail upon request from Walter Ross.  If there are special viewing needs, please call (702) 759-0661 for accommodation.

Request for Proposals (RFP) 22RFP005 Uniformed Security Services

The Southern Nevada Health District requests proposals from experienced and qualified security firms to provide uniformed security services at Health District facilities and at non-Health District facilities for events operated by the Health District.

Invitation to Bid

The Southern Nevada Health District invites bids from experienced and qualified security firms to provide uniformed security services at a COVID-19 vaccination site in North Las Vegas, Nevada.

Request for Proposals (RFP) 22RFP003 HIV Prevention Marketing Awareness Campaign

The Southern Nevada Health District’s Office of Disease Surveillance and Control is requesting proposals from qualified media and/or marketing contractors to develop a targeted marketing campaign to promote HIV awareness for Collect2Protect online HIV and STD testing, PrEP/PEP resources and condom distribution.

Request for Proposals (RFP) 22RFP002 COVID-19 Outreach and Education Services Reissued

The Southern Nevada Health District is requesting proposals from faith-based and community-based organizations to provide COVID-19 services including but not limited to outreach, education and coordination of testing to populations at higher risk, underserved, and disproportionately affected.

Request for Proposals (RFP) 22RFP001 COVID-19 Media Services

The Southern Nevada Health District’s Office of Communications is requesting proposals from qualified media contractors to develop and disseminate culturally and linguistically responsive COVID-19 prevention communications targeted to populations at higher risk and medically underserved through various media channels.

Invitation to Bid

The Southern Nevada Health District invites bids from experienced and qualified, pursuant to NRS 338.1379, Nevada-licensed General Contractors to provide pre-construction services, demolition, and construction of approximately 3,943 sq. ft. of its existing lab facility located in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Download the Invitation to Bid
Download Project Drawing A
Download Project Drawing M
Download Project Drawing P
Download Project Drawing E
Download Project Drawing IT
Download Addendum 1 – Q&A
Download Addendum 2 – Bid Submission REVISED
Download the Receipt of Bids

Request for Proposals (RFP) 21RFP-003 Lobbyist

The Southern Nevada Health District is requesting proposals for government affairs consultant services (Lobbyist) from qualified individuals or firms with experience in providing state-level legislative lobbying services to governmental entities in Nevada. Proposals are due June 22, 2021.

Contact Information

(702) 759-1000


Updated on:  March 27, 2025

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