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Home/Reportable Diseases/Regulations Governing the Reporting of Diseases, Exposures, and Sentinel Health Events

Regulations Governing the Reporting of Diseases, Exposures, and Sentinel Health Events

Whereas, the Southern Nevada Health District has been established by the County of Clark and the cities of Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Mesquite, and Boulder City as the public health authority for those entities, pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Chapter 439; and

Whereas, the Southern Nevada District Board of Health is the governing body of the Southern Nevada Health District, and is vested with jurisdiction over all public health matters within its district of Clark County, Nevada, and is authorized to adopt Regulations necessary to protect and promote the public health and safety in the geographical area subject to its jurisdiction; and

Whereas, the Southern Nevada District Board of Health finds that the reporting of diseases, exposures, and sentinel health events, in addition to the reporting of communicable diseases already required by Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), is necessary to prevent their spread and protect public health, and therefore it is necessary to supplement the reporting requirements for communicable diseases specified in NAC Chapter 441A by adopting Regulations Governing the Reporting of Diseases, Exposures, and Sentinel Health Events governing reporting in order to prevent and control diseases, exposures, and sentinel health events dangerous to the health of the public; and

Whereas, the Southern Nevada District Board of Health believes that the following Regulations are designed to protect public health and safety, it does therefore publish, promulgate and order compliance with the substantive and procedural requirements hereinafter set forth within Clark County, Nevada.

Intent and Scope

Intent The purpose of these Regulations is to protect the public health, safety, and environment through the reporting and investigation of diseases, exposures, and sentinel health events of public health importance in Clark County.

Scope These Regulations establish definitions; set requirements and procedures for the reporting of diseases, exposures, and sentinel health events; and provide for enforcement.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 General Provisions
1.1 Definitions
1.2 List of adopted recommendations, guidelines, and definitions
1.3 Review of revision or amendment of adopted recommendation, guideline, or definition
Chapter 2 Reporting Requirements
2.1 General requirements for disease, exposure, sentinel health event, or outbreak reporting to the health authority
2.2 Content of the disease, exposure, or sentinel event report made to the health authority
2.3 Content of the outbreak report made to the health authority
2.4 Duty to report known or suspect exposures, diseases, sentinel health events, or outbreaks: responsible parties
2.5 Designation of facility representative to report within a medical facility
2.6 The reporting of Diseases, Exposures, or Sentinel Health Events which are required by state reporting regulations
Chapter 3 Duties and Powers Relating to the Presence of Disease
3.1 Duty of persons to cooperate with health authority during investigations
3.2 Duties of the Chief Health Officer to investigate, report, prevent, suppress, and control particular diseases
3.3 Authorization of the Health Authority to disclose information of personal nature to certain persons
3.4 Authorization of the Chief Health Officer to require the reporting of disease on a temporary basis
Chapter 4 Specific Diseases, Exposures, or Sentinel Health Events to be reported; Investigation by the Health Authority
4.1 Elevated Toxic Metal Levels
4.2 Exposure to Toxic Metals
4.3 Drowning
4.4 Drug-Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Invasive Disease
4.5 Group A Streptococcal Invasive Disease
4.6 Pediatric Streptococcus pneumoniae Invasive Disease
4.7 Vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (VISA) and Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) Infection
4.8 Vibriosis, Non-Cholera
4.9 Communicable Disease Outbreaks
4.10 Exposures of Large Groups of People
Chapter 5 Enforcement
5.1 Severability
5.2 Health Authority Legal Remedy
5.3 Effective

Contact Information

(702) 759-1000


Updated on:  October 11, 2018
