Cottage Food Registration Process
In order to operate a cottage food operation, Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Chapter 446 requires that the cottage food operation register with the health authority. The health authority in Clark County is the Southern Nevada Health District. The Health District may require any information deemed necessary and appropriate for the registration process.
- Required Documents:
- The Cottage Food Operation Registration Application must be signed by the owner of the business.
- All cottage foods must have a label that complies with federal labeling requirements. As of July 1, 2023, Southern Nevada Health District label review and approval is optional. More information about label review is available here (
- Submission:
- E-mail the completed application packet to
- Pay fees (all fees are based on the current EH fee schedule, which can be found at
- A one-time, non-refundable, fee will be charged for review of the registration application packet.
- A base fee for label review covers up to one hour of review time. All label review is time-based. If more time is needed, an additional hourly fee will be charged.
- If submitting online, an invoice will be emailed to you. Your package will not be reviewed until all applicable fees are paid.
- Who to contact for questions:
- For questions about Cottage Food Registration or label review, email or call (702) 759-0500.
- Approval:
- An approval letter will be emailed once the review is complete with the approved labels.
- Reviews are completed based on a first come, first served basis.
The Health District will evaluate the registration application package submitted for compliance with the following items as required by NRS 446.866:
- The food will be sold directly to the consumer from your home or from a licensed farmers market, licensed flea market or swap meet, church bazaar, garage sale or craft fair, provided it is done in person.
- No food items will be sold via the Internet or over the phone (this does not preclude taking phone or internet orders which involve a face-to-face sale at delivery or pick-up).
- The food will be sold to a natural person for his or her consumption and not for resale:
- This prohibits any kind of wholesale manufacturing or secondary sale of cottage food products; for example, making cookies for retail sale at a market or grocery store is prohibited.
- The food to be sold is affixed with a label which complies with the federal labeling requirements:
- Labels for foods packaged by a cottage food operation for sale at a public location under inspection by the Health District, such as a farmers market or swap meet, must have their labels reviewed and approved by the health district at registration and before sale.
- The food to be sold is labeled with “MADE IN A COTTAGE FOOD OPERATION THAT IS NOT SUBJECT TO GOVERNMENT FOOD SAFETY INSPECTION” printed prominently on the label for the food item:
- The food to be sold is prepackaged in a manner that protects the food item from contamination during transport, display, sale, and acquisition by consumers.
- Foods once packaged for sale to the consumer may not be repackaged at the point of sale, and packages may not be opened for sampling. However, food samples may be pre-portioned in closed disposable containers at the cottage food operation for free distribution at the sale site.
- The food to be sold must be limited to:
- Nuts and nut mixes;
- Candies;
- Jams, jellies, and preserves;
- Vinegar and flavored vinegar;
- Dry herbs and seasoning mixes;
- Dried fruits;
- Cereals, trail mixes, and granola;
- Popcorn and popcorn balls; or
- Baked goods that:
- Are not potentially hazardous foods;
- Do not contain cream, uncooked egg, custard, meringue or cream cheese frosting or garnishes; and
- Do not require time or temperature controls for food safety.
If a complaint regarding illness, injury or adulterated food is received, an investigation will be conducted, and a determination made as to the validity of the complaint. If a complaint is confirmed, a confirmed complaint fee will be charged. In addition, if a full epidemiological investigation is conducted due to a foodborne illness complaint, the actual cost to the public for the investigation will be calculated and charged to the cottage food operation.
Contact Information
Updated on: March 19, 2025