Home/Solid Waste Plan Review & Permitting/Permit Application Process/Permit to Operate a Solid Waste Management Facility

Permit to Operate a Solid Waste Management Facility

Permit Application Process

An initial permanent permit application process includes the following:

Initial meeting

An applicant is advised to attend a meeting to answer any questions they may have, including, but not limited to, questions regarding their facility type and the permit application process.

To schedule a meeting, there may be a fee for this meeting call (702) 759-0660.

Permit Application and Fee Submittal

A solid waste management facility in Clark County must submit an application for a permit, permit modification, or change of ownership to SWPR at least 90 days before the anticipated start of operation, modification, or transfer, respectively, of the facility to allow sufficient time for review and approval. Late submittals that require an expedited review are subject to the late submission fee.

SWPR will not accept an application that does not include documentation of land use approval or exemption and documentation of active or pending business license approval or exemption and a fee.

Receipt of an application does not constitute an approval to operate, modify, or change of ownership. A permit must be issued by the environmental health director before the operation, modification, or transfer of the facility. Otherwise, permitted disposal facilities program (PDFP) may issue an order of corrective action(s) and/or a notice of violation to the owner or operator of the facility.

An application for a permit, permit modification, or change of ownership must be submitted via the Health District’s Solid Waste Portal.

Permit Application Review

SWPR staff will review the application, correspondence, emails and any resubmittals. Staff will email comments, if any, to the applicant and his or her consultant. Some comments must be addressed three weeks before the public hearing for the application, if a public hearing is required. Some comments may become special conditions of the permit. Other comments must be addressed before the permit is issued.

Public Notice and Fact Sheet

A public notice will be published for one day in the Las Vegas Review-Journal. If an application is for an initial permit for any facility type.

If the facility will be located outside of the Las Vegas Valley, a public notice will also be published for one day in the local newspaper. It will also be provided to the applicant and the local governing body. The public notice and a fact sheet will be posted for at least thirty days on the Public Notices webpage.

If applicable, the public notice will specify the dates of all public workshops and the public hearing for the application. The public will have thirty days to provide comments on the application. If SWPR receives any comments, the comments and our responses will be attachments to the memorandum to the Environmental Health Director.

Non-confidential parts of the permit application will be available to the public for review on the Public Notices webpage. The public may request copies of non-confidential parts of the application for a nominal fee by calling (702) 759-0660.


A public workshop will be conducted if an application is for an initial permit for any facility type;

If the facility will be located outside of the Las Vegas valley, a public workshop will also be conducted in the local community.

The purpose of a public workshop is to provide the public with an opportunity to review the application and present comments and questions regarding the application. All public comments and questions are added as an attachment to the memorandum prepared by SWPR staff. Since public comments become part of the public record, members of the public addressing the workshop will be asked to state their name, address and their affiliation (if any) with the applicant.

The applicant is required to attend all public workshops for their application. A workshop usually lasts thirty minutes. Public workshops are open to the public. Notices of upcoming public workshops are posted on the Public Notices webpage.

Upon arrival, all attendees must sign in on the sign-in sheet. The applicant and, if applicable, their consultant will sit at a table. The audio of the workshop will be recorded. The applicant will be asked to introduce themselves near the beginning of the workshop. Near the end of the workshop, the applicant will be asked if they wish to make any comments; they may decline to do so.

If the applicant has any questions, they should ask them during a break or after the workshop.

District Board of Health (BOH) Hearing for Approval (as required)

SWPR will prepare a memorandum to the BOH to recommend approval of the application if an application for any facility type, for which SNHD receives a unresolved comment from the public within thirty days after the public notice is published.

The memorandum will be posted with the applicable BOH meeting agenda on the Board of Health Meeting Agendas & Minutes webpage.

The BOH will approve or deny the application with conditions after a public hearing is held during the meeting. The applicant and his or her consultant, if applicable, are required to be present from 8 a.m. until the end of the public hearing for their application, which is usually before 10:30 a.m. but may be after noon.

BOH meetings are open to the public. Upon arrival, all attendees must sign in on the sign-in sheet. Before the meeting starts, the applicant will be asked to identify the person(s) who will represent the applicant before BOH. When the memorandum for their application is called, the applicant and his or her consultant, if applicable, must go to the podium and be ready to answer any questions from board members, including, but not limited to, whether they accept the conditions in the memorandum.

Agendas, minutes, audio, and memorandums for past BOH meetings are posted on the Board of Health Meeting Agendas & Minutes webpage.

Final Inspection

Prior to permit issuance an inspection of the facility will be conducted by SWPR and PDF staff, with the applicant’s representative present.

After the facility passes the final inspection and, if applicable, satisfies the conditions of SNHD staff and/or BOH approval a permit signed by the environmental health director will be issued.

Permit Issuance

Solid waste management facilities are permitted by SWPR and inspected by PDF. Permitted solid waste management facilities must be constructed and operated in accordance with the information contained in the most current approved application and must comply with other permit conditions.

A permit is issued to a specific owner or operator and for a specific location. A permit may be transferred to another owner or operator, but it may not be transferred to a different location. Transfer of more than 50 percent of the outstanding shares of stock of a business entity that has been issued a permit is considered a transfer of ownership requiring an application for a permit transfer.

Any special conditions of a permit must be satisfied by their respective deadlines. After all special conditions have been satisfied, the permit will be reissued to remove these conditions.

Contact Information

Phone: (702) 759-0660

Service Counter Hours:
Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.


Updated on: February 6, 2025

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